Two Noras: February 28, 1914 and February 28, 2021

Nora Bauer: Saturday, February 28, 1914

Had lovely weather today. Paul was over this evening instead of tomorrow night because he wanted to get a load of hay tonight. 

Nora Spitznogle: Sunday, February 28, 2021

What a fun day! EME at Mass, ran into Cousin Cynthia at lunch, visited Brenda with Schaun and Kassie. No progress on painting.  

I looked back on Grandma Nora's Sunday entries and Paul visiting wasn't a regular this - I wonder if they had plans for the next night and he changed them because of picking up a load of hay? Was he picking it up in town? 

I've been embracing the spontaneous Sundays.  I'm typically tightly scheduled, but my Sunday obligations have been much looser in the last year, partly due to not having an every-other Sunday deadline for the Broad Ripple Gazette and not working a monthly Sunday at Marigold. The Red Key closing earlier on Saturday nights helps also. 

I was an EME at 10:30 Mass. When I'm on the altar, I wonder what Grandma Nora would think about women being able to serve in that capacity. 

I wanted to return a lampshade to IKEA and Schaun was kind enough to drive his truck since I was also sofa shopping. We stopped for lunch and I was thrilled to spot Cousin Cynthia across the room - so much fun to see her. 

I've wanted Kassie to meet Brenda and the stars aligned. We had a nice visit with Brenda and her husband Gary and their neighbor Sylvia. 

Still no painting, for those keeping score. 

Two Noras: February 27, 1914 and February 27, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Friday, February 27, 1914

Not much happened today of any interest. Went to church tonight. 

Nora Spitznogle: Saturday, February 27, 2021

Worked at Second Helpings this morning and Red Key this evening.     

It sounds like Grandma Nora had a pretty boring day. I guess mine was too, although filled with work. It was a quiet day at Second Helpings and an busy night at the Red Key. I'm glad I was able to squeeze in a nap in between. 

Two Noras: February 26, 1914 and February 26, 2021

Nora Bauer: Thursday, February 26, 1914

Was some warmer today. Went to Singing class tonight and then did some fancy work. 

Nora Spitznogle: Friday, February 26, 2021

It was a sunny day. Quiet evening at home. Still no more painting - need motivation! 
It was a pretty quiet day for both Noras. I didn't do any fancy work, but I did read when I got home. I need some painting motivation - I can't leave the walls half painted forever....or can I? 


Two Noras: February 25, 1914 and February 25, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Wednesday, February 25, 1914

This was the coldest morning we have had. Was 2 below zero when we went to work. Margaret Schnitz was down to the office today. Mrs. Barnes wants her to learn our system of Bookkeep. 

Nora Spitznogle: Thursday, February 25, 2021

Lots of work meetings today and a City Market board meeting - all remote, of course. Uneventful evening at home. No painting - worked in the basement on organizing my out-of-hand pile of tee-shirts. 

This entry is so wild to read, knowing what we know now of Grandma Nora's life. Nora and Paul married in 1919 and after Nora died in 1951, Paul married Margaret. 

Was Nora excited to be training Margaret? Was she worried about Margaret replacing her? Oh the foreshadowing! 

My day wasn't very exciting. Meetings and taking the minutes for the City Market board meeting. My tee-shirt collection is out of hand. I have two tubs of vintage ones and a dresser full of newer ones. Between attending lots of concerts and being involved in so many things it's easy for them to get out of hand. I do wear them for my Saturday night waitressing shifts, so they're getting use. I've semi organized them by sports, Indy-centric, bands, and activities. That doesn't mean that I won't keep grabbing the same ones from the top of the pile, but they look better. 

Two Noras: February 24, 1914 and February 24, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Tuesday, February 24, 1914

Was a little disappointed this evening. Had intended going to the dance and was getting [ready] when Paul called up and said he could not come because he had too much to do. 

Nora Spitznogle: Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Took today off from work to pick up a piece of furniture in Cincinnati. Kassie, Dad, and I made the trek. Thank goodness for neighbor Ed for helping unload at my house. 

I'm guessing that Grandma Nora was more than a little disappointed that Paul was not able to go to the dance with her. Did she go without him? I do love how there were dances and social events every evening then. 

So my freshening up the house project has gotten a little out of hand. I've also decided to let go of a huge piece of furniture that I was using as a china cabinet. It's 80 inches wide x 89 inches tall. It takes up most of the only wall without a window or door. I purchased a sensible-sized buffet that is 58" wide x 30" tall. Much better for my 750 square-foot home. 

I've become a little addicted to the EBTH site and picking something up there isn't too far - under two hours from my house, but it's not that simple - and a lot more fun my way. 

Dad has a friend that he enjoys visiting with in Batesville and Kassie's new/old house is right next to Sally's. Kassie met me at my house and we picked Dad and his truck up at the farm, dropped him off in Batesville, drove to Cincinnati to pick up the buffet, back to Batesville to check in on Kassie's house and fetch Dad, to my house in Indy to put the buffet on my porch - with the help of my dear neighbor Ed, then I drove back to the farm to leave Dad and the truck, then back home. That's a heck of a lot of miles for someone who doesn't enjoy driving. 

That said, it's a great way to spend time with Dad and Kassie! 

Two Noras: February 23, 1914 and February 23, 2021

Nora Bauer: Monday, February 23, 1914

Worked this morning but the furnace smoked so bad so we stayed home the afternoon. Will [brother] took Mamie [sister] and I up to the Deutscher Verein this evening. They had a musical and dance.

Nora Spitznogle: Tuesday, February 23, 2021

I had my annual review today and it went well - why do I fret so? Straight home to paint  - what have I gotten myself into? I'm told it should not involve a ladle.
How nice for Will to take his younger sisters to the theater! Will would have been 25 years old, Mamie 22, and Grandma Nora 19. I've been wondering why their Mom wouldn't have joined them. The youngest children, twins Herman and Gertrude would have been almost 15 years old...or maybe leaving teenagers home alone wasn't a good idea. I assume that their father would have been working at his saloon in the evening. Below is a blurb from the next day's paper about the show. 

I've been trying not to look ahead in Grandma Nora's journal or at the newspapers, but I looked up Grandma Nora and Paul's wedding announcement yesterday and it was full of clues. Her employer, Mr. Barnes was listed - Nora had mentioned him before and I assumed that he was an employer, but I wasn't sure. The piece also mentioned that Mr. Barnes was the mayor at the time she got married - bingo! That opened a floodgate of information. 

Mr. James I. Barnes was running a construction company started by his father, James E. Barnes. They were prominent builders in Logansport and at the Culver Academy. Over the last few months when I'd asked Dad if he could remember who his mom worked for, he couldn't recall a name. When I asked about Barnes, he was sure that was it. Woo hoo! 

It is a little ironic that a construction firm's office was smoked out by the boiler. 

Speaking of construction, I'm in over my head - literally - on the painting project. I sent this photo to two friends and they both commented that they'd never seen a ladle used in a painting project. I'm finding that putting paint in a plastic cup works well for using the brush. My ladder is so old the thingie to hold the tray of paint is gone. I'll keep painting away as long as none of you look too closely at the walls the next time you're in my house. 

Bonus: When looking though the papers for a review of the show they attended this blurb caught my eye.... damn actors! 


Two Noras: February 22, 1914 and February 22, 2021

Nora Bauer: Sunday, February 22, 1914
Went to early Mass today and got dinner. It was awfully bad out this afternoon snowing and windy. Louisa and Florence were over. Paul called and said that he would not be in tonight. 

Nora Spitznogle: Monday, February 22, 2021
Worked today. On the way home I got the wild idea to paint my living room and stopped at Lowe's for paint. So many color choices and rollers and brushes and such - intimating and overwhelming. 

 I'm still hot on the trail of who Louisa and Florence were. In Grandma Nora and Grandpa Paul's 1919 wedding announcement Florence Kienly was mentioned as singing Ava Maria. I thought I was was on to something, but I don't think that's the Florence Nora was talking about in 1914. Florence Kienly was in 8th grade in 1914 and I can't find any other time that she and Nora were mentioned together. Back to looking for clues. 

The decluttering project has turned in to a rearranging project and now a painting project. I've never done any interior painting....and now I see why. So many choices - I picked up a gallon of as-close-to-white paint as I could find, a tray, blue tape, roller and a brush. And plastic sheeting - lots of plastic. 

I started by taping off the ceiling and baseboards and covering everything in the vicinity of the first wall I'm painting. I started using the roller, but the 1930s plaster and lathe wall is far from even. What the heck have a gotten myself into? 

Two Noras: February 21, 1914 and February 21, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Saturday, February 21, 1914

Was real nice out today. Went up to the church and also to see the Flats this afternoon. Anna [sister] and I went to church tonight and uptown then home. 

Nora Spitznogle: Sunday, February 21, 2021

Played online Euchre with Beth, Ann, and Tim [sisters and Ann's husband - so fun. Schaun and I went to IKEA and dinner at the Test Kitchen. I was wiped out, early to bed. 

I feel guilty that Grandma Nora went to church twice on a Saturday and I didn't go once on a Sunday. We still have a dispensation from Mass due to the pandemic, so I've been attending Mass when I'm an EME and letting someone else have my space when I'm not. Laughing with my sisters feels like a closer to God moment anyway. 

Schaun wanted to grab a lamp and I'm always happy to tag along. The store is big enough that it's easy to distance. We had dinner at the Fishers Test Kitchen after. 

My cousin Lou sent me a text on Friday - which I have yet to reply to - asking if I'd caught up on my sleep. Going to bed early this evening will certainly help. 

Two Noras: February 20, 1914 and February 20, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Friday, February 20, 1914

Went to the dance tonight. George was there too. He brought Amy up. Mr. Galloway was not there tonight. He is out of town. 

Nora Spitznogle: Saturday, February 20, 2021

Slept in, read and jogged in place before my shift at the Marigold Clothing Store. Home just in time to work at the Red Key. 

I assume that Grandma Nora was talking about George Spitznogle, Paul's younger brother. I'm not sure who Amy is - George married a woman named Mary in 1937 when he was 42 years old and his bride was 32. I wonder if Paul was at the dance also? 
Could this be the Mr. Galloway that Nora mentioned? Just in case you were wondering - as I was - what the hesitation waltz is, click here

Today almost felt like a pre-pandemic day. I worked both of my part-time jobs. In the olden days (2019) I would typically work one Sunday a month at Marigold, with an occasional extra shift around the holidays. I've worked there all of the 31 years they've been open (except when I lived in New Jersey) and I just love it. The owner, Linda, and I met in college and have continued the friendship. Marigold is very generous to the community, including Second Helpings. My co-workers and the customers are terrific and my shift feels sort-of like one big shopping day. Who doesn't love to be surrounded by fair-trade and locally sourced items, most of which are produced in the US? 

The Red Key was busy - we had to turn people away to comply with the current public health mandates. I'm also the cook, so it was extra dicey. Luckily the customers are understanding and the bartender is a big help. 

Also, happiest of birthdays to my younger brother, J.R.! 

Two Noras: February 19, 1914 and February 19, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Thursday, February 19, 1914

Mamie [sister] and I went to the Colonial tonight. I think it was real good. Anna [sister] and I were doing some cleaning at the office today. 

Nora Spitznogle: Friday, February 19, 2021

A much easier walk to the car this morning. Work was as typical as it gets. Met Kim at the Garage for dinner. Mittens stink. 

I was excited to read that Grandma Nora and her sister Anna worked together. I few times Nora has mentioned that "we" went home for dinner - now I know who the "we" was. I hope it will help me figure out where they worked. 

Here is the blurb from the day before's paper about the show that Nora and Mamie saw. 

I have a pretty cool wardrobe - if I may say so myself😏 - working a Marigold Clothing. I've been wearing the same down jacket and dollar store gloves for weeks. Since I was meeting a friend after work, I thought I'd mix it up a little and wear my brighter coat and some cute mittens. Plus with all of the attention Bernie Sanders has brought to mittens, I thought it would be fun. 
Turns out, I'm not a mitten wearer. I ran into some neighbors on the block walk to my car and fumbled around trying to put on my mask and dropped my purse. I had to take them off to unlock the car door and to put the keys in the ignition. I also had to take them off to unlock the door at work and tucked the right hand one in my left hand as I was walking through the garage....and I dropped my lunch bag while doing it. I could hear the glass containers breaking as it hit the concrete. Luckily there were several folks in the area to tease me. At least the glass stayed in the bag. 

I met my long-time friend, Kim, at The Garage Food Hall after work. It's a beautiful place and neat concept, but it was getting crowded by the time we left. I was happy that we could snag a small table to ourselves, otherwise we many have eaten in our cars. We got a mini tour of the art deco Bottleworks Hotel. They did a great job of preserving many of the original tile, floors, and staircases of the 1920s building. 

It was so nice to have something to do after work for a change! And just as exciting, I was able to drive down my street AND pull up the driveway! Woo hoo!  


Two Noras: February 18, 1914 and February 18, 2021

Nora Bauer: Wednesday, February 18, 1914

Was raining this afternoon turning in to sleet and now it is snowing.Was doing fancy work again tonight. 

Nora Spitznogle: Thursday, February 18, 2021

Walked to my car to drive to work. Today was less frantic. Found a parking space closer to home. 

Once again, the weather is the hot topic between us. It was a little warmer when I walked to my car - up to 18 degrees. It was a nice day at work, catching up on work that got delayed because of the snow and the 2.5 days I'd missed the week before. It's review time and we're cleaning up our electronic files in anticipation of a system upgrade. 

I still wasn't able to drive on my street. I checked a parking lot behind a building just a block away at it was clear, with a few cars parked there. Woo hoo! After I parked, someone I knew parked behind me - he lived across the street from the lot - he said it was perfectly fine to leave my car overnight. Woo hoo! 

My version of fancy work this evening was to clean off my desk. I've been using my table for a desk ever since the pandemic hit in March. The desktop became a next of receipts and cards and flotsam. It's great to see the surface! 

Two Noras: February 17, 1914 and February 17, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Tuesday, February 17, 1914

Anna [sister] went to the Club tonight and Mamie [sister] and I were sewing and mama was talking about when we were young. 

Nora Spitznogle: Wednesday, February 17, 2021

I spent 30 minutes shoveling snow away from my car to get to work. Missed Ash Wednesday Mass because of snow. 

I would have loved to hear Grandma Nora's mama talk about when the girls were young. Barbara Rosfeld Bauer would have been 50 years-old. The youngest, twins Herman and Gertrude, would have been 16. I wonder if she was feeling nostalgic for the days when the kiddos were younger? 

I'm still waffling on the thought of if there was an actual building that housed Anna's club, or they met at someone's house. I couldn't find mention of anything in the papers. 

I feel like a snow-whiner, but sheesh! I shoveled myself out of my snow nest on the street and gunned the car through the drifts. The main roads weren't too bad. Work was busy with agencies still closed - lots of re-routing of food. 

I turned on to my street after work only to get stuck in the intersection - my street hasn't been plowed and it's a two-lane rut. I was able to turn around, but I had no hope of getting to my driveway. 

I drove around and got an iced tea at a fast food joint - I don't think that's breaking my Lenten promise.....I hung out in a parking lot playing word games on my phone until it was time for Mass. I drove around the church a few times, but there was no place to park. The church relies on a lot of street parking and it was non-existent with the snow. 

I finally threw in the towel and parked behind the Red Key. Since is was Lent and Ash Wednesday, no whiskey or cheeseburger. I walked through to let them know I was leaving my car and I fear that I left a black-cloud trail. I was tired and frustrated. 

The four-block walk home didn't help. I was cold and NO ONE along the way had shoveled their walks. I walked on the busy 52nd Street and would leap into a snow bank when I saw a car. 

I know I shouldn't complain - I've got a sturdy warm place to live, a reliable car (except in a snow storm), a wonderful job, and fabulous friends and family. I guess I'm allowed to wallow occasionally. 

Two Noras: February 16, 1914 and February 16, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Monday, February 16, 1914

Will [brother] was at Chicago Saturday and Sunday and was telling us about his visit this evening. Worked on my centerpiece awhile and our ? about to retire 9:00 PM. 

Nora Spitznogle: Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Woke up at 5:00 AM to check the weather. Typically my process includes standing in my street in pajamas and boots, squinting to see how the traffic is moving.

I'm pretty sure Grandma Nora's brother, William, was still living at home at this point. He was 25 and wouldn't marry until five years later. The 1910 census showed him living with his family and his 1917 draft card has his address listed at the house that his family lived then. I wonder how many young men put their lives on hold in that era because of the rising tension in Europe? 

I found a blurb about William's 1920 marriage to Lillian Whitehead - they took their honeymoon trip to Chicago. I wonder if they visited some of the places William did in 1914? 

Boy did we get some snow overnight! My typical weather check involves me putting on my snow boots and coat and standing in the middle of Winthrop Ave, watching to see how the traffic on 52nd Street is moving. No need to do that this morning - and I'm not sure that I could have anyway. 

After a quick chat with our CEO we decided to close for the day. I got busy informing everyone, fed the cat, and took a quick nap. I was feeling the side effects of the second Shingles-prevention inoculation - achy, chills, and a stupidly-sore arm. 

I kept up on emails and work stuff between bouts of shoveling snow. My unscientific measuring shows that we got 12 inches of snow and there were 21 inch snow drifts in my driveway. I don't know why I pulled my car up so far in my driveway last night - more snow to scoop! 

It was nice to chat with neighbors who were also out shoveling and we were all smart enough to take breaks - the high today was just 16 degrees. 

I had a had a hair cut scheduled for 6:00. I got out of the driveway just fine, but got hung up on the street. A couple of nice folks gave me a push to the side of the street, but there was no way that I could navigate the whole thing. Uggh. 

I didn't realize until bedtime that it was Fat Tuesday. I didn't whoop it up, eating and drinking the things I'm giving up for Lent. Goodbye booze, fast food, and sweets. 

Two Noras: February 15, 1914 and February 15, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Sunday, February 15, 1914

Was real nice out this morning but it started to snow just about noon and we had quite a snow storm. It is windy out now and the snow is drifting. 

Nora Spitznogle: Monday, February 15, 2021

Had early doctor's appointment, then straight to work in preparation for the forecasted snow storm. The team was able to get extra food to the shelters. Heavy snow started at 2:30.

Both Grandma Nora and I had weather on our minds. 

I started the day by getting my second Shingles-prevention shot, but was feeling like I should be at work the whole time I was at the doc's. My blood pressure was high - I was blaming the stress of being away from work, but my wonderful Nurse Practitioner reminded me that it's not like work is an isolated event for me. She took my BP one more time and it was still high. The last two visits I started out high, but it was lower when I left, but the pattern was I'm going to start on a new BP medication, which I hate to do, but transcribing Grandma Nora's diary has reminded that she she struggled with high BP as an adult and died of a stroke when she was just 57. So, I agreed to the medication. I do a decent job of exercising and staying active. I could stand to lose 10 pounds, but I'm not sure if that will change my BP situation, but that's where we are today. 

Enough of that....I high-tailed it to work to see what I could do to help. The team had it all under control, of course. We delivered extra food to the shelters and residential agencies in case we can't get there tomorrow. We got all of the staff and volunteers out the door by the time the heavy snow started. 

I shoveled the walks (mine and my neighbor to the south) and hunkered down for the night. I heated up a nice dinner of prime rib and potato leftovers from last night, with some steamed carrots to balance it out. 

The evening was spent obsessively checking the weather forecast and news reports.  

Two Noras: February 14, 1914 and February 14, 2021

Nora Bauer: Saturday, February  14, 1914

Was very much surprised today! Got one of Paul's pictures as a Valentine. Was just fine of him. 

Nora Spitznogle: Sunday, February 14, 2021

EME at 10:30 Mass this morning, delivered Saint Valentine's Day goodie bags - great to see folks, especially Mom. 

I would love to see the photograph that Paul sent Grandma Nora! I can tell that she liked it. I think that Grandpa Paul was a handsome man, from the photographs I've seen from their first-married years. 

It is a cold day in Indianapolis, just 10 degrees when I went to Mass, although it did get all the way up to 20. 

I love Saint Valentine's Day and have had a party on February 14 since I was in college. In those days the party prep consisted of a plate of heart-shaped cookies and a keg of beer. Now the food is much better and the booze includes craft beer and fancy cocktails. The party isn't "couple-y" - it's a nice mix of neighbors, family, friends, and people I don't know. I've made some nice friends in my own living room. 

Last year (pre-pandemic) over 100 people squeezed into my 750 square-foot house in the course of the evening. So crazy to think about now! 

Since a party was out of the question, instead of invitations I mailed out cards. I couldn't help but bake - I baked dozens of heart-shaped shortbread cookies and frosted them with homemade cream-cheese frosting. They were extra tasty, if I may say so myself. 

I put together 20 goodie bags that included cookies, a Saint Valentine's PEZ dispenser, and a split of bubbly. I delivered some after church and Schaun helped me with the rest. It was nice to not have to park - I could just jump out and loop them front door knobs. I got to see some people in person (through their doorway). Schaun's sister Brenda invited us in for a warm up and a cocktail. 

We wrapped up the deliveries with dinner - my treat, for Schaun's help - at the Aristocrat. I don't know what I was thinking when I ordered prime rib - It was huge, enough for two more meals. 

I can't believe that the only picture I took all day was of Mama and myself and it's blurry.

It was a lovely day and a nice way to celebrate. I wish I could have made at least 20 more mini-party-in-a-bag bundles - they turned out nicely....not that I have a photograph of them. 

Two Noras: February 13, 1914 and February 13, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Friday, February 13, 1914

Was up town this afternoon and bought a small centerpiece and worked on it in the office. Paul called me up this evening and asked me if I got any Valentines yet. 

Nora Spitznogle: Saturday, February 13, 2021

Got a good night's sleep and puttered around baking and frosting cookies and putting together St. Valentine's Day treats. Cold day! I worked at the Red Key and we were busy. 

I still haven't figured out where Grandma Nora was working. I get the feeling it was part-time, but I'm just guessing. More centerpieces - what the heck? 

It sounds like Paul was anxious for his Valentine's Day greeting to arrive!

I've hosted a Saint Valentine's Day party for decades - in light of the pandemic it would be irresponsible to stuff people into my small house. Since I've been gone so much, I'm a relieved to not be running around like a nut cleaning and baking and decorating. At one point I thought I'd invite a handful of people to have a beer around a fire in by backyard. It's going to be so cold - around zero with the wind chill - that I'm scrapping that idea also. 

I baked several dozen cookies for gift bags that I'll deliver tomorrow - I've added splits of bubbly and a PEZ dispenser to each one. 

Work at the Red Key was busy, especially because I was the cook too. I can't imagine how wed did it when the bar was at 100% capacity. 

Two Noras: February 12, 1914 and February 12, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Thursday, February 12, 1914

Was to singing class this evening and it was pretty cold coming home. 

Nora Spitznogle: Friday, February 12, 2021

Spent the morning with Aaron's grandma. Worked a few hours, home and sleep. 

This is the shortest entry that Grandma Nora has written this year. Singing class at church and cold on the way home. 

My recap of the day is short also. I won't go in to details, but I was able to get Aaron's grandma and uncle squared away. I worked in the afternoon and was so tired when I got home that I fell asleep on my bed fully dressed, boots and all. 

Two Noras: February 11, 1914 and February 11, 2021

Nora Bauer: Wednesday, February 11, 1914

Was to a card social tonight at our hall. I had 10 punches. They danced a little too had five dance. Anna had beau home. Who ? John. 

Nora Spitznogle: Thursday, February 11, 2021

Woke up at 6:00 to head back to Indy. Roads were cruddy. Played catch-up all day from days off. Got a call from Aaron to check on his grandma. 

I found a little blurb about the card social. I guessed that when she wrote "our hall," it was at Saint Joseph's hall. I kept thinking that when she wrote about punches that it had to do with her dance card. Now I'm wondering if it has something to do with cards?
The rest of her notes don't make much sense. Typically Grandma Nora is better with her grammar. I wish we knew the name of Anna's beau. 

My friend, Aaron, from Austin, TX called to see if I would check on his grandmother and uncle. It's not my story to tell, but I wound up staying through the night to help. It must be so hard to have all of the relatives out of town. 

Two Noras: February 10, 1914 and February 10, 2021

Nora Bauer: Tuesday, February 10, 1914

Was up town this afternoon and bought some Valentines. Anna entertained her club this evening. I worked on my centerpiece and got another polly finished. 

Nora Spitznogle: Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Today was Rosemary's funeral in Logansport. Dad and I visited with several cousins. I tried to find the location of Grandma Nora's home in 1914. 

The mystery of what the heck is a polly continues. I asked a few people in Logansport if they knew what a polly is just in case it was a Cass County thing. I wonder who she bought Valentines for? I'm sure Paul as in the list. 

Rosemary Bauer was Grandma Nora's' niece, daughter of her younger brother, Herman. The funeral Mass was lovely, although sparsely attended. I suspect that had to do with both the pandemic and Rosemary's age - not too many of her contemporaries are left. 

Mount Hope Cemetery looked beautiful blanketed in the snow. I was pleased to see that Rosemary is buried close to Grandma Nora. 
Here is Grandma Nora and Paul's gravestone. Rosemary is buried to the right - you can see the edge of the tent where the final prayers were said. I'm wearing Great-Aunt Mamie's (Nora's sister) coat. 
Left to right: LuAnn Stephenson, ?, Marilyn Cahalan, Gerilyn Mee, Emma Thompson, George Stephenson, Eric Thomspon, John Spitznogle (my papa), Andrew Stephenson, Chuck Stephenson, and me - in Aunt Mamie's coat. 

We had lunch with dad's nephews, Chuck and David, great niece Erin, and friend John. Lots of laughter and story telling. 
The northwest corner of Fifth and Market streets, 430 Market Street. 

I wanted to find where Grandma Nora was living in 1914. Between the dark, snow, and an impatient father I couldn't find the spot. I suspect that the streets have been renumbered in the last 105 years. I had better luck finding the corner where Great-Grandpa Felix Bauer (Nora's papa) saloon was located. 
We stopped at cousin Leo and his beautiful wife, Luci's home on our way back to Dad's. I loved seeing their lovely house, filled with family treasures, reclaimed wood, and rescued stain glass windows. Leo's barn/workshop is amazing. I had to drag Dad out - I think that he and Leo could have talked wood for days. 

The drive home was brow-furrowing. I don't enjoy driving and the snow and wind and slick roads were harrowing. By the time we finally made it to Dad's I decided to spend another night - I didn't have it in me to drive another 45 minutes. 

All and all, it was a lovely day. 

Two Noras: February 9, 1914 and February 9, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Monday, February 9, 1914

Was up to the Oxygen Plant this morning. They have a real nice office. Saw Paul [Spitznogle] at noon when we went back from dinner. Was much warmer tonight. Was working on my polly's. 

Nora Spitznogle: Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Took the day off to take Dad for his second vaccination - woo hoo! We puttered around Lebanon afterward. Spent the afternoon looking through photographs and old papers. I'm going to spend the night. 

I wonder why Grandma Nora was visiting the Oxygen Plant? It looks like it was quite the operation. From the article below left, from January 30, 1914, it looks like the plant maybe wasn't opened when she visited. The clipping from the right is from March that year. 

I wonder how long the plant was open? I did a quick Google search and couldn't find anything. I did a half-ass search of the newspaper archives and found want ads for workers at the plant a few years after it opened, but I didn't follow the trail too far. 

I wonder if Paul was planning his trips to town based on Nora's work schedule. I sure hope so! 

I have spent a good chuck of time trying to figure out what a polly is. I just asked Dad and he said "Google it!" No help at all. 

Speaking of dear papa, he got his second and final COVID-19 vaccination this morning at the Boone County Fairgrounds. I was thrilled for him and it was fun to be in the 4-H building and see Jane, one of our Second Helpings volunteers. 
We stopped for a car wash, some groceries, and to check out the new liquor store in Lebanon - Rocket Liquors. The store is owned by my college boyfriend. I worked at his first store, Bedrock Liquors, in Shadeland (Indiana) about 35 years ago - man, time flies! 

We spent the evening looking through old photographs and papers. So many photographs not marked with the standard: who, what, when, where, and why. Of course I'm guilty of the same thing - I'm cringing thinking of the tubs of photos jammed in my closet. Maybe I'll manage to tackle them this year.
I was thrilled to find this envelope from Great-Grandpa Felix's (Nora's dad) saloon. I knew what corner it was on, but I'm happy for an address - although I'm pretty sure it's an empty lot. The faint writing on the envelop says "flood pictures" - I think. Unfortunately, where were no photographs of the Flood of 1913 in the envelope. I do enjoy the symbol of Bauer frugalness - someone removed the stamp. 

Dad and I are going to Rosemary Bauer's (Nora's niece) funeral tomorrow in Logansport and we'll drive by where Nora was living at the time and the location of the saloon. The funeral will be held in the church that Nora attended. 

Off to sleep in my childhood bedroom! 

Two Noras: February 8, 1914 and February 8, 2021

Nora Bauer: Sunday, February 8, 1914 

Was 2 above zero this morning when I went to early Mass and did not get much warmer all day. Mary Tussing was over this afternoon. 

Nora Spitznogle: Monday, February 9, 2021

At work by 6:15, another hectic day. Straight home to finish addressing St. Valentine's cards. I ventured out at 9:00 to drop cards at post office. 

I really need to get a grip on where Grandma Nora lived in relationship to the church. Did she walk? Buggy? Street car? Nora has mentioned Mary in a few posts already - it's nice to know her last name. 

Second Helpings was busy  - we've got several people working remotely right now. I jumped in for an hour helping the crew packing meals for home delivery. It was fun to put on a apron and to be able to see the fruits of my labor. 

I didn't order enough St. Valentine's Day cards in the first batch...which turned into the second...and now the third. It's a good thing I'm not having a party. I've spend all of the booze and sweets budget on cards. I ran 50 more to the mail box before I tucked in for the night. 

Two Noras: February 7, 1914 and February 7, 2021

Nora Bauer: Saturday, February 7, 1914

Was pretty cold today and tried to snow a little. Was up to the flats this afternoon and also up to the church. Paul [Spitznogle] called me up this afternoon and I told him I would like to have a have a ?. 

Nora Spitznogle: Sunday, February 7, 2021

Online Euchre with Ann and Tim this morning. After more cleaning my eyes were heavy so I took a nap. Drove to Schaun's to help with paperwork then we took his truck to pick up the Schwinn Aerodyne to take to Brenda's. 

I spent a decent chunk of time trying to locate the flats. Current day Googling pops up with a couple of great Airbnbs downtown Logansport. Searching through the 1914 Logansport newspapers wasn't helpful either. In that era, apartments were called flats and there was a family with the last name of Flat, so I sifted through a lot of for-rent ads and social items for the Flat family. 

The real mystery of Grandma Nora's entry is what in the heck she asked Paul for? It looks like the word starts with slug....or maybe it's sleigh? Sleigh ride? I've stared at it until my eyes crossed. I've posted an extra large version if anyone else can decipher it that would be grand. 

I wonder where the telephone was in the house - was it even possible to have a private conversation?  You could certainly have a private conversation in a sleigh. 

My sister Ann has discovered this wonderful site to play Euchre - and you can add video. It's been such a treat to play with my sisters and brother-in-law Tim. We've played quite a bit during the pandemic - I really enjoy "seeing" and laughing with my sisters. 

I was tired - my sleep has been wonky - and I didn't go to bed until 2:30 am. I was keyed up after my Red Key shift. I took a glorious two hour nap. I drove to Schaun's to help him with some paper work for his business then we took his truck to pick up my marvelous 1979 Schwinn Aerodyne Exerciser. 
According to the specs the thing weighs 77 (awkward) pounds. I absolutely loved the bike, but it was way too big for my 750 square foot house. I had it in the middle of the living room, which was okay most of the time - especially during the pandemic when no one even comes in the house - but in normal times I'd have to tuck it on the porch or in the bedroom if I had company. I'm thrilled that the exercise room at Lions Head can use it. 

Brenda and Gary (Schaun's sister and brother-in-law) invited us for chili and to watch the Super Bowl. Their house is so cozy and there was a nice fire in the living room. I'm pretty proud of myself for not falling asleep.   

Two Noras: January 6, 1914 and January 6, 2021

Nora Bauer: Friday, January 6, 2014

We had a hail storm this morning more than I have seen for a long time. Medlands have a new baby boy at their house today. 

Nora Spitznogle: Saturday, January 6, 2021

Cold and leftover icy roads from yesterday's sleet and snow. I worked at both Second Helpings and the Red Key Tavern with a nice nap between. 

My guess is that Grandma Nora meant sleet.  If you'd care to learn the difference, click here
I did find this in the Logansport Times dated February 13, 1914. I looks like the Medland's were neighbors on Helm Street. 

My day was busy, nothing noteworthy. I arrived at Second Helpings at 7:15 and we finished at 12:30. I did some laundry and managed to wrestle the box springs and mattress off the bed so I could vacuum underneath. I also cleaned out the furnace vent as far as I could reach. My reward for the hard work was 11 cents, an earring and the satisfaction of a job well done. I had a lovely - and necessary - nap before heading to the Red Key. I was busy cooking and waiting on folks, but it slowed down at the end. It was nice to have the kitchen cleaned and beer stocked by midnight, so we could leave shortly after. 

Two Noras: February 5, 1014 and February 5, 2021

Nora Bauer: Thursday, February 5, 1914

Just got home from the Charity Euchre and dance. I had 9 punches out of 16 Dances. Had every dance and had just a dandy time. 

Nora Spitznogle: Friday, February 5, 2021

Mailed 200 St. Valentine's Day cards on the way to work. I took Mom for her second vaccination this evening. I'm just thrilled that she's protected! 

I don't know why I'm so surprised by all of the fun Grandma Nora was having in the winter of 1914 - I'm happy for her! She was earning money and paying her own way - she certainly deserved it. How I wish I could see her dance card! I wonder if Paul was there? 

It looks like it was quite a party! Over 500 people attended - the population of Logansport was around 19,000 then - it's around 17,000 now. Euchre at 75 tables and dancing until 1:00. I find it interesting that parties and weddings and such didn't just happen on weekends. I love weekday events - it feels like everything always happens on Saturday evenings. Maybe it just seems like that because I work most Saturday nights. 

I wore one of the new tops that I purchased at Marigold yesterday. It was fun to wear someone new and in softer colors than I typically wear. 

It is really cold in Indianapolis and the temperature will be dropping during the week. I picked Mom up and dropped her off for her second vaccine to protect against COVID-19. 

Since there is not much to (safely) do these days, we spent an exciting hour at a CVS. Mom hasn't been in a store for almost a year! She got stocked up on her favorite soap and other goodies. It was fun to spend time with her and we both got some steps in. 

Two Noras: February 4, 1914 and February 4, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Wednesday, February 4, 1914

It is so pretty outside tonight. Just got home from the theatre. Saw "The Winning of Barbara Worth." I thought it was real good although she didn't marry the fellow I thought. 

Nora Spitznogle: Thursday, February 4, 2021

Grandma Nora's niece, Rosemary, died this morning. Left work a little early to run some work errands and do a little shopping at Marigold. Evening consumed with addressing St. Valentine's Day envelopes. 

Here's the answer to what play Grandma Nora saw. I think it's funny how judge-y the reviewer was about the pretext of the play. Although I totally agree that Eugenics was a terrible thing. 

1914 would have been the height of the Eugenics movement in Indiana - as evidenced by the wildly popular Better Babies Contest at the Indiana State Fair. I wonder if Grandma Nora even realized the undertone of the play, or if she just enjoyed the acting and a night at the theatre? 

Rosemary Bauer died this morning. She is the daughter of Nora's younger brother, Herman. She would have been 93 in two weeks. I really enjoyed Rosemary and identify with her a bit. She never married (not that I'm ruling out by any means....), was a bit of a worker bee, and appreciated family connections. I hate that she died during a pandemic. Any other time and I would have been at her bedside saying a proper good bye, instead of calling everyday and asking the hospice team to tell her that I loved her. 

Two Noras: February 3, 1914 and February 3, 2021

Nora Bauer: Tuesday, February 3, 1914

Mamie [sister] had her club over tonight and we had a real good time. They asked me to join the club and I think I will accept. Anna [sister] went to her club meeting. 

Nora Spitznogle: Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Another busy work day. I stopped for groceries on the way home and treated myself to a chicken sandwich for dinner. My sleep has been wonky so I took a nap after Jeopardy. 

Last week I was wondering where the "club" was. Now it's clear that the club is a group. And there are several of them, as I've gleaned from the social columns in the newspapers. 

I wonder how older sister Mamie (24) felt about Nora (19) joining her club? I'm assuming the other members got her blessing. 

I giggled when I found this news clipping about the evening. The Gigglers! 

I keep finding Mamie's name spelled "Mayme" in the social column. I wonder if it was a misprint or if that's how she preferred it? 

I was able to find a blurb about Anna's (22) club, although I haven't tracked down the club's name yet. 
I am happy to find the last names of some of the folks that Grandma Nora has mentioned. 

My evening was decidedly boring. Pre-pandemic, a trip to get groceries wouldn't have even registered as an it's a highlight. I was intentional in stopping for groceries on the way home this evening so the timing would be right to pop in to WW [Weight Watchers] to weigh in. Unfortunately they have changed the hours, so I wasn't able to check in...maybe just as well. 

I'm afraid that my long nap won't help my wonky sleep pattern. I'm wide awake now, dang it.  

Two Noras: February 2, 1914 and February 2, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Monday, February 2, 1914

Saw Mrs. Spitznogle [her future mother-in-law] this noon when I went up to get tickets for the show Wednesday night. Was also uptown this afternoon. 

Nora Spitznogle: Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Cold, but sunny day. Stopped at Target after work for sundries and also found a great mirror for the new wall space. 

If she was smitten with Paul, I imagine that it was quite exciting to run into his mom! I fell down an internet rabbit hole when trying to find out what show Grandma Nora was purchasing a ticket for. 

I found this little tidbit in the Logansport Journal Tribune on February 2, 1914. 
It's hard to imagine Purdue and Indiana University combined as one school - who would the schools have such an intense rivalry with? 

I have to point out the sub-headline...scantiness? It sounds like IU wasn't properly dressed. 

If you're from Indiana, you might be surprised to see IU called Indiana State University in this article. Since state and university are not capitalized, I assume they mean that it's the state university for Indiana. 

IU has been called by several names in its history,  State Seminary and Indiana College are two of them. From the 1820s until 1889 they were in a political battle with Vincennes University over who was the legitimate state university And Indiana State wasn't officially called that until the 1960s.  

I didn't accomplish much this evening besides researching the above article and addressing envelopes for the Saint Valentine's Day cards.