Two Noras: February 7, 1914 and February 7, 2021

Nora Bauer: Saturday, February 7, 1914

Was pretty cold today and tried to snow a little. Was up to the flats this afternoon and also up to the church. Paul [Spitznogle] called me up this afternoon and I told him I would like to have a have a ?. 

Nora Spitznogle: Sunday, February 7, 2021

Online Euchre with Ann and Tim this morning. After more cleaning my eyes were heavy so I took a nap. Drove to Schaun's to help with paperwork then we took his truck to pick up the Schwinn Aerodyne to take to Brenda's. 

I spent a decent chunk of time trying to locate the flats. Current day Googling pops up with a couple of great Airbnbs downtown Logansport. Searching through the 1914 Logansport newspapers wasn't helpful either. In that era, apartments were called flats and there was a family with the last name of Flat, so I sifted through a lot of for-rent ads and social items for the Flat family. 

The real mystery of Grandma Nora's entry is what in the heck she asked Paul for? It looks like the word starts with slug....or maybe it's sleigh? Sleigh ride? I've stared at it until my eyes crossed. I've posted an extra large version if anyone else can decipher it that would be grand. 

I wonder where the telephone was in the house - was it even possible to have a private conversation?  You could certainly have a private conversation in a sleigh. 

My sister Ann has discovered this wonderful site to play Euchre - and you can add video. It's been such a treat to play with my sisters and brother-in-law Tim. We've played quite a bit during the pandemic - I really enjoy "seeing" and laughing with my sisters. 

I was tired - my sleep has been wonky - and I didn't go to bed until 2:30 am. I was keyed up after my Red Key shift. I took a glorious two hour nap. I drove to Schaun's to help him with some paper work for his business then we took his truck to pick up my marvelous 1979 Schwinn Aerodyne Exerciser. 
According to the specs the thing weighs 77 (awkward) pounds. I absolutely loved the bike, but it was way too big for my 750 square foot house. I had it in the middle of the living room, which was okay most of the time - especially during the pandemic when no one even comes in the house - but in normal times I'd have to tuck it on the porch or in the bedroom if I had company. I'm thrilled that the exercise room at Lions Head can use it. 

Brenda and Gary (Schaun's sister and brother-in-law) invited us for chili and to watch the Super Bowl. Their house is so cozy and there was a nice fire in the living room. I'm pretty proud of myself for not falling asleep.   

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