Two Noras: February 14, 1914 and February 14, 2021

Nora Bauer: Saturday, February  14, 1914

Was very much surprised today! Got one of Paul's pictures as a Valentine. Was just fine of him. 

Nora Spitznogle: Sunday, February 14, 2021

EME at 10:30 Mass this morning, delivered Saint Valentine's Day goodie bags - great to see folks, especially Mom. 

I would love to see the photograph that Paul sent Grandma Nora! I can tell that she liked it. I think that Grandpa Paul was a handsome man, from the photographs I've seen from their first-married years. 

It is a cold day in Indianapolis, just 10 degrees when I went to Mass, although it did get all the way up to 20. 

I love Saint Valentine's Day and have had a party on February 14 since I was in college. In those days the party prep consisted of a plate of heart-shaped cookies and a keg of beer. Now the food is much better and the booze includes craft beer and fancy cocktails. The party isn't "couple-y" - it's a nice mix of neighbors, family, friends, and people I don't know. I've made some nice friends in my own living room. 

Last year (pre-pandemic) over 100 people squeezed into my 750 square-foot house in the course of the evening. So crazy to think about now! 

Since a party was out of the question, instead of invitations I mailed out cards. I couldn't help but bake - I baked dozens of heart-shaped shortbread cookies and frosted them with homemade cream-cheese frosting. They were extra tasty, if I may say so myself. 

I put together 20 goodie bags that included cookies, a Saint Valentine's PEZ dispenser, and a split of bubbly. I delivered some after church and Schaun helped me with the rest. It was nice to not have to park - I could just jump out and loop them front door knobs. I got to see some people in person (through their doorway). Schaun's sister Brenda invited us in for a warm up and a cocktail. 

We wrapped up the deliveries with dinner - my treat, for Schaun's help - at the Aristocrat. I don't know what I was thinking when I ordered prime rib - It was huge, enough for two more meals. 

I can't believe that the only picture I took all day was of Mama and myself and it's blurry.

It was a lovely day and a nice way to celebrate. I wish I could have made at least 20 more mini-party-in-a-bag bundles - they turned out nicely....not that I have a photograph of them. 

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