Two Noras: March 31, 1914 and March 31, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Tuesday, March 31, 1914

Was up town this afternoon. Saw Mrs. Spitz [future mother-in-law]. Went up to have my skirt fitted in. 

Nora Spitznogle: Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Worked today - grant turned in, meetings this afternoon. Hair cut and groceries on the way home. 

I think that Nora must have enjoyed running into Paul's mother - at least I hope that was the case. I wish that I needed to have my skirt taken in. I seem to be heading the opposite direction. 

I was right - I'd over-thought the grant. It got parred down and submitted. I got my hair cut on this evening. Sarah does a wonderful job and I'm exited - it's almost all natural color now. Woo hoo! Stopped at Aldi to pick up some fruit. I saw bags of potting soil on my way out. I looked up the price when I got home and realized that it was a great deal so I went back and purchased 10 bags. This farm girl winces when I buy dirt, but it's a necessary part of urban farming. 

My youngest sister, Ann, had shoulder replacement surgery today. It sounds like it went well and she's already texted that she's feeling good. She is at Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale. I'm heading to Phoenix (where she and Tim live) on Sunday and I'll stay until Friday morning. I'm anxious to see her and I hope I'll be helpful. 

Two Noras: March 30, 1914 and March 30, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Monday, March 30, 1914

Nothing much doing today. Worked on my waist today. Henry Bauer has a new baby boy today. 

Nora Spitznogle: Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Worked at work today, I was supposed to be the evening manager, but we wrapped up early. 

Nothing much doing for either of us today. 

Grandma Nora had a cousin, Henry Bauer (son of Uncle Val and Aunt Kate). He and his wife, Cora, had a baby boy in 1914, but the birthdate I have in in July. My eyes are crossing....I'll go back to that later. I am sad that Henry and Cora's oldest son, Robert lived until 1989 and their daughter, Virginia lived until 2000 and I never knew them...

I worked on the grant a little bit tonight - I'm sure I'm over thinking it...

Two Noras: March 29, 1914 and March 29, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Sunday, March 29, 1914

Was to early Mass today and got dinner. Was to Vespers but looked so much like rain that we came right home. Started to rain about 5:30 and rained almost all night. 

Nora Spitznogle: Monday, March 29, 2021

Worked from home today. So nice to have a nice clean space to work in instead of the piles of chaos I've been working around for the last year. Sunshine today - yay! 

More rain for Grandma Nora, I was happy for the sunshine today. I worked on a grant and emails and such. Met Kassie and Schaun for dinner. All and all, an uneventful day. 

Two Noras: March 28, 1914 and March 28, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Saturday, March 28, 1914

Went up town with Mamie tonight and we got some shoes and a skirt. 

Nora Spitznogle: Sunday, March 28, 2021

Spontaneous Sundays continue. Visited Brenda's to watch "my" episode of  Everything but the House. 

It looks like both Grandma Nora and I were in the shopping mood this weekend. Again, I would love to see what she purchased. I'm lucky enough to have one of Great-Aunt Mamie's coats. 

Adrian and Schaun (brothers) picked me up to go to Brenda's. I loved being able to invite them in to see what I've done with the house - after a full year of just a few visitors, it's nice/weird. 

Brenda and Gary's neighbor, Sylvia, made a delicious baked chicken dish that you can top with cheese, sour cream, olives, or whatever your heart desires. I had two bowls while we watched NCAA basketball. All of "my teams" are out of the tournament,  but it's still fun to watch in the hometown venues. 

At half-time we tuned in to my episode of HGTV's Everything but the House. It's Episode 8, if you're looking to tune in and it seems that my dispenser is featured in the intro of each episode. If a way to watch it without a subscription appears, I'll let you know. 

Here is Lara Spencer holding my PEZ spaceman. Lara was a host on Good Morning America, but I remember her better from hosting Antiques Road Show about 15 years ago. 
Close up of the Cocoa Marsh spaceman. It was a mail-in premium for purchasing Cocoa Marsh Chocolate Syrup. 
That's my bid! 
The owner seems quite pleased! 
It's weird to see my giant face. And grey hair. 
Hey! That's me! 

All and all, I don't think I came across as too dorky. The format of the show is fun - I hope it continues. 

Two Noras: March 27, 1914 and March 27, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Friday, March 27, 1914

Rained all day again. Was to Church tonight and then did some fancy work. 

Nora Spitznogle, Saturday, March 27, 2021

Puttered this morning, ran to Marigold this afternoon, and worked Red Key this evening. 

It sounds like Grandma Nora had a bit of a quiet dreary day. I wonder what getting to church entailed....walking, street car, buggy? Whichever way, the rain must have made it harder. 

I was not paying a bit of attention to the weather forecast and left THREE of my car windows down when I got to the Red Key. It poured late evening and my car was soaked. Nothing like riding home in a puddle. 

I was scheduled to work at Second Helpings this morning, but someone's plans changed and I was off the hook. I puttered around and worked on catching up on laundry. I ran to Marigold for a trunk show of one of my favorite clothing lines. I also purchased a pretty summer dress. I have more outfits for garden parties or midnight cruises - I should be focusing on clothes for my real life. 

I popped into my friend, Heidi's, drive through birthday party - the cupcake is delicious! 

Two Noras: March 26, 1914 and March 26, 2021

Nora Bauer: Thursday, March 26, 1914

It rained all day today. Was up town this afternoon. Saw Chas. Rush 

Nora Spitznogle: Friday, March 26, 2021

Worked today and straight home. I'm enjoying the way the house looks now. 

I'm not sure who Charles Rush was to Grandma Nora. He got married a few months later, in June. 

Work, work, work. And then home. Not much to tell - the most exciting thing was that the trash truck took away the the mattresses I'd dragged out yesterday from the tenant side. 

I thought that trash day was the most exciting thing, but I started getting messages from across the country that folks had seen me on a new HGTV show, Everything but the House, highlighting a PEZ dispenser I'd purchased. Remember that interview I did in January?  Apparently it aired this evening - I'm anxious/nervous to see it. Stay tuned....


Two Noras: March 25, 1914 and March 25, 2021

Nora Bauer: Wednesday, March 25, 1914

Was very windy today. Was to church this evening. Saw Fronnie Gross going home with Hugo Lienemann.  

Nora Spitznogle: Thursday, March 25, 2021

It was very windy today.  Worked from home. It was so nice to not leave the house.

Grandma Nora was on to something - Fronnie and Hugo married two years later on January 18, 1916. 

It's been super windy here. When ever someone mentions the high wind, I always reply: Pray for my garage! 

As solid as my 1930 built house is, my 1930 built garage is a bit wobbly. I think the only thing keeping it together is all of the stuff I have packed in there, including the 10 tubs of yard sale goods I've added in the last week. 

Two Noras: March 24, 1914 and March 24, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Tuesday, March 24, 1914

Had a beautiful day. Was up town again this afternoon. Started to work on my waist this evening. Anna [sister] went to her club. 

Nora Spitznogle: Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Off work for Aaron's grandmother's funeral. Late breakfast at Cafe Patachou, a walk through Nancy's house, and a beautiful funeral. A sad lovely day. 

I'm getting the feeling that Grandma Nora didn't work what we think of as traditional work week. And my tongue-in-cheek guess of the word "waist" the other day was spot on. 

Today was a bittersweet day. Aaron's Grandma Nancy's funeral was this afternoon. The service was just right - sweet and joyful, just like Nancy. 

Aaron read a beautiful poem: 

When I am gone, release me – let me go
I have so many things to see and do.
You must not tie yourself to me with tears
Be happy that we had so many years. I gave you love,
you can only guess, how much you gave me in happiness.
I thank you for the love each have shown,
but now it is time I travelled alone.
So grieve awhile for me if grieve you must,
then let your grief be comforted by trust
It is only for a while that we must part
so bless those memories within your heart.
I will not be far away, for life goes on.
so if you need me, call and I will come.
Though you cannot see or touch me, I will be near
And if you listen with your heart, you will hear
All of my love around you, soft and clear.
Then when you must come this way alone,
I will greet you with a smile and “Welcome Home”
- Anonymous

Before the funeral Aaron and I walked through his grandma's house. It was weird to be there without Nancy's joy wafting though the house. 

Aaron let me choose one of his Grandpa Max's paintings - Max was a prolific painter! I'll share it another time....

As always, it's great to see Aaron....I'm just sorry it was such a sad occasion. 

Two Noras: March 23, 1914 and March 23, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Monday, March 23, 1914

Went up to the bank this afternoon. Called Helen up this evening and also talked to George. He was afraid that Amy was out to Baumanm's. 

Nora Spitznogle: Tuesday, March 23, 2014

Ran home after work to finish the house project. I'm glad that Aaron had a late flight and didn't arrive until 10:00. Pizza for dinner, Red Key after. 

This is not the first time George and Amy have been mentioned. Helen adds to the mystery. Were George and Helen in the same place when Grandma Nora called Helen? Or was it two seperate calls? If they were together, I can't find a link between a George and Helen as siblings or as husband and wife. 

If the Amy in question was Amy McCoulf, George's intuition was right. Amy married Fred Spitznogle, who's brother-in-laws were Baumann's

I'd mostly finished the cleaning before Aaron arrived. He'd ordered pizza to be delivered to my house - it was great to catch up over dinner and continuing the conversation at the Red Key. I gave myself dispensation from my no-booze Lent to toast Grandma Nancy. 

I need to take a daylight photo of my newly arraigned dining room, please ignore my tool box on the floor and two stuffed animals I'd brought from the Farm on the bench. 

Here's a close up of some of the Bauer/Spitznogle furniture I have. I lovingly call this color "Bauer Grey." It's the only paint color I've seen used by that family. The drop-leaf table is pretty primitive and I love it. It's moved with me from college to cross-country. It's the perfect size for the small places I tend to live, but can seat six when the sides are opened up. Mom and Dad used it when they were first married and they got it from Grandpa Paul's basement. 

Rosemary Bauer (Nora's nice and Herman's daughter) gave me the two matching chairs. There are four more and they were used for their kitchen table. Dad's have decorative balls carved on the tops of the sides of his chairs. Great-Uncle Herman cut the balls off the tops of the two chairs that were on the side of the kitchen table that he'd walk near to get to the bathroom - because he'd catch his coverall loops on them when he walked by. Dad has stripped and refinished his four and offered to do the same for mine. His are gorgeous oak, but I love mine just the way they are. 

I purchased the short short chair by the little piano, also painted Bauer Grey, at Uncle Cletus' auction. The legs were clearly cut off at some point. Dad repaired the back rung and offered to paint the whole chair a new color, but again, I love it just as it is. 

Two Noras: March 22, 1914 and March 22, 2021

Nora Bauer: Sunday, March 22, 1914

Was to 7:30 and 9:00 o'clock Mass. Went out to Baumann's for dinner. Had a real good time. Uncle Val & Aunt Kate [Bauer], Uncle Frank and Nora [Bauer] & the girls & Lena & John [Schnitz] were over this evening. Had lots of fun. 

Nora Spitznogle: Monday, March 22, 2021

I worked at Second Helpings today - a typical day of meetings and making sure that everyone has what they need to get the job done. Arranged furniture, hung artwork, and cleaned. The pressure is on to finish the project! 
What a fun day Grandma Nora had! 

I'm still in awe of her attending two Masses in one morning. 

I wonder what the Baumann's served for dinner (lunch)? The Baumann's would eventually become distantly related to Nora through her marriage to Paul. Two Spitznogle girls married two Baumann brothers - Nellie S. and John B, Mary S. and Louis B.). 

When researching Nora's paternal uncle, Valentine Bauer, I realized that he would die just two months later - was he feeling poorly at this point? It's fun to know that his wife Catherine was called Kate. 

You may remember that Uncle Frank and Nora are newlyweds. I assume that the girls Nora mentioned were Uncle Frank's (he was a widower when he married) - Loretta, Opal, and Mildred. 

John and Lena Schnitz had a daughter, Teresa, who would eventually marry Nora's little brother, Herman. I love how all of this circles around. 

I chipped away at my home project. Lot's of things that didn't make the cut were packed into tubs and stored in the garage for a yard sale this summer.  

  • One of my favorite decorative items is this ball of twine rescued from Great-Uncle Herman's workshop. Both Dad and Rosemary though I was nuts for wanting it. 
  • My Cousin Leo Spitznogle made me the Nora rock. 
  • The hand-carved globe and box are from my trips to Tanzania to visit my godmother. 
  • The plate has the seal - a frog! - of Boone County, IN (where I grew up) and was a gift from Kassie. 
  • On the right side of the photograph you can see the edge of the Lebanon (Boone County) made Hoosier Cabinet that I was lucky enough to snag last year. 
  • The painting is one of four Douglas David's that I'm lucky enough to own. 
  • The locally-made candle features the coordinates of the neighborhood I live in. 

Two Noras: March 21, 1914 and March 21, 2021

Nora Bauer: Saturday, March 21, 1914

Was up to the Church this afternoon. Went to Church tonight. I got my new hat today. 

Nora Spitznogle: Sunday, March 21, 2021

10:30 Mass this morning. Frenzied work on the house for rest of the day - end in sight! 

I wish I could see Grandma Nora's new hat! 

After Mass I made yet one more trip to the hardware store to pick up supplies to hang artwork. I made a ton of progress! Just a few more things to chip away at. Aaron let me know that he will arrive Tuesday evening. The pressure is really on! 

Two Noras: March 20, 1914 and March 20, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Friday, March 20, 1914

Was pretty cold today 20 above zero. Was to Church tonight and just putting the finishing touches on my polly centerpiece. 

Nora Spitznogle: Saturday, March 20, 2021

Worked at both Second Helpings and the Red Key today. Spent a fun afternoon exploring the NCAA activities downtown. Beautiful weather. 

I continue to search for "polly centerpiece" in the 1910s and keep getting images of ceramic or crystal pieces. Someday I figure it out. 

It occurred to me that I really need to wrap up the house project because Aaron would be coming to town for his grandmother's funeral and I really wanted to be able to invite him into my house. 

So I spent the afternoon goofing around. 

It was so nice to be in the sunshine and soak in the excitement of the NCAA tournament being held in Indianapolis. Since I was by myself it was easy to distance and dodge the crowds. 

I started out by enjoying one of my favorite musicians, Chad Mills, on Lugar Plaza. There were distanced chairs and it was fun to wave at some familiar happy faces. 

I walked around the Circle and showed off my #DoYouDance Big Dance moves.

There are several public art pieces downtown. This is one of my favorites, by artist Shaunt'e Lewis - here I am dunking...nothing but net, baby! #swoosh 

I hustled home to show the open side of my double to prospective short-term tenants. Their house sold in one day and they're looking for a place to land for a few months. They're not looking to move it for a month, so that gives me time to make some repairs. They were very nice and will let me know. 
I had just enough time to step over the dang piles and take a quick nap before working at the Red Key. We were super busy with NCAA fans - these two were my favorite and better then Weight Watchers for making me looking thin! 

Two Noras: March 19, 1914 and March 19, 2021

Nora Bauer: Thursday, March 19, 1914

Was to Mass this morning. Went to singing class tonight and over to Hooley's to get a hat. 

Nora Spitznogle: Friday, March 19, 2021

We celebrated the one-year anniversary of Second Helpings' response to the pandemic. Aaron called  - his grandmother died...

Here's a blurb from the March 6, 1914 Logansport Pharos Reporter. It looks like Grandma Nora was an early buyer. Good for her for treating herself a new hat! 
Today was an exceptionally good day at work - we celebrated the anniversary of the first day we packaged meals for home delivery. The City named today Second Helpings Day!
I am gobsmacked by what the
Second Helpings
team has accomplished in the last year.
I hated the situation, but loved the challenge.
I remember running in to when their doors opened that morning.
The owner
helped me sort out what we needed and stuffed the Second Helpings van with cases of containers and the volunteers were packing them within a hour. Labels were created and copied and we were off!
I became the self-proclaimed Sargent at Arms. I walked around the first weeks with a tape measure and painters tape marking off six-foot increments on the floor. The phrases “two yardsticks, people, two yardsticks apart,” and “pull your mask up, friend” flew out of my mouth so often I was annoying myself. I don’t think of myself as an intimidating person, but people seem to tug their masks up and scatter when they see me coming.
A year later we’re still rolling with the challenges as they come, thankfully they’re coming at a slower pace now...

I started going through the piles on the floor - I'd dumped out all drawers and bookcase shelves to put back what I wanted to keep. The rest still needs to be dealt with. 

Aaron called me to share the sad news that his dear Grandmother died this morning. Aaron and his grandmother were so close - my heart aches for him. We had a nice conversation full of Nancy memories. 

As I was hanging artwork, I was listening to Purdue's first game in the NCAA tournament - they were playing just a few miles away in downtown Indianapolis. The game was back-and-forth and I couldn't stand it any longer. I grabbed my foam finger and jogged the four blocks to the Red Key to watch the game. Purdue lost in overtime...such a bummer. I wound up having a nice conversation with my friends, Tammy and Gary - it's so weird to think that I hadn't had a real conversation with Tammy, one of my best friends, in a year. Damn pandemic! 

It was after 1:00 am when I got home...and the stacks of artwork and stuff were still there. Uggh. 

Two Noras: March 18, 1914 and March 18, 2021

Nora Bauer: Wednesday, March 18, 1914
Was at the office all day by myself. Went to the bank this afternoon. Went to church this evening. 

Nora Spitznogle: Thursday, March 18, 2021
Worked all day (heck - that's almost everyday). Puttered around with house stuff this evening, but didn't get much done. 

It seems that Grandma Nora and I both had an equally boring day. 

I did fall down a rabbit hole this week trying to find Lizzie Bauer. I found another Lizzie who married into an Indianapolis Bauer family. Here is a page of her 1905 will. 

I find the language delightful - she calls her step-children beloved - how sweet is that? I looked up the parcel and it's just one block from Second Helpings where there are still a few grand houses mixed in with the industrial area and the interstate runs right through the neighborhood.  

I drove by this evening and was disappointed to find that it's a construction lot right now, it's still fun to imagine what the street looked like 120 years ago. 


Two Noras: March 17, 1914 and March 17, 2021

Nora Bauer: Tuesday, March 17, 1914

Was to Church this morning. They sang a high Mass in honor of St. Patrick. It rained a little this afternoon. Am going to bed early tonight as I could not do anything (my eyes). 

Nora Spitznogle: Wednesday, March 17, 2021

My intention was to bake shamrock-shaped cookies and deliver them to friends, the reality was that I purchased cupcakes from a friend, ate four of them and delivered the rest. Dinner at the Aristocrat. 

I love that the German parish honored St. Patrick's Day. I'm so sorry that Grandma Nora's eyes were bothering her. 

I don't know when she started wearing glasses, I have a a pair of her later-in-life glasses. They are bifocals and pretty strong. I put them on for this photograph. I'm shocked at how old I look. I'm happy that I've let my hair be natural, but it's still a surprise when I look in the mirror. 
I delivered some cupcakes to neighbors before work and ate the last cupcake on my way to work. Sheesh. I need to get my eating under control. 

Once again my plan was to work on the house, but I wound up walking to the Aristocrat (four blocks) for an Irish dinner - bangers and mash with a side of Irish whiskey - I gave myself a Lenten dispensation to break my booze fast. 

Two Noras: March 16, 1914 and March 16, 2021

Nora Bauer: Monday, March 16, 1914

Was very nice again today. The rivers are pretty high. Mr. Fish was in this afternoon and promised us a box of candy if he would sell [?] us cement [?]

Nora Spitznogle: Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Worked today. I got my car back - it was just the fuel line, easy repair. Schaun gave me a ride and I did his monthly sales tax return. 

I'm sure the high rivers were a worry considering the catastrophic flood of the year before. I'm. to entirely sure of two of the words in the last sentence. I do know that a box of candy would have appealed to Grandma Nora (as it would her namesake granddaughter). I found a blurb for Fish Brothers Construction, which is how I came up with the cement guess. 

My car repair was pretty simple - I needed a new fuel line. My car is 10 years old and only has 77,000 miles. I'd like to hang on to it for a few more years, so I was grateful that it wasn't the end of the car. 

Another night of not working on organizing the house. 

Two Noras: March 15, 1914 and March 15, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Sunday, March 15, 1914

Had a lovely day today. Mabel & Helen M were in today and we went walking. Paul and I took a drive this evening. Went out south passed [past] McCoulf's. 

Nora Spitznogle: Monday, March 15, 2021

Back to work today. There is nothing like having time off to make you want more! Still chipping away at the piles on the floor. So much left to do. 

I did a quick search of the Logansport 1914 papers for a mention of the three names - Nora, Mabel, and Helen together. Nothing popped up. I do love the thought of Grandma Nora and her friends talking a stroll. 

And even more, I love the thought of Nora and Grandpa Paul taking a drive in the country. I'm curious about whether their drive was in a car or with a horse and buggy. in 1914 only 17 out of 1000 people owned cars. 

I did a quick search of the McCoulf's and found this delightful 1916 piece. Ella, Mary, C.J., and Andrew Donohue are my great-aunts and uncles on my Mom's side! My Grandma Leona would have just been 11 years-old that year, so would be too young for an adult party. Great-Uncle C.J. died just two years later in WWI. I adore the thought of the four of them enjoy a party! 

I had every intention of continuing the house project when I got home...ha! I showered and got lost in one of Grandma Nora's journals that Cousin Chris sent me and a great family history that Cousin Susan sent. I'll share more of that soon, but it shows a long connection of the Bauer and Barnes families doing business together. 

Two Noras: March 14, 1914 and March 14, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Saturday, March 14, 1914

Was up to the Church this afternoon and went up to the new flats. Anna, Gertrude, [sisters] and I went uptown tonight and got a new waist, Saw Ruth Yeakley today. 30

Nora Spitznogle: Sunday, March 14, 2021

I was at the Red Key until 2:00, plus we lost an hour with Daylight Savings Time. Played online Euchre with Beth, Ann, and Tim. Visited Brenda in the afternoon. 

I'm still trying to solve the flats mystery. I have found that her employer, James I. Barnes, owned flats (apartments) at 516 Market Street. I wonder if that's what Grandma Nora was writing about? 

I need your help deciphering what she purchased - it looks like "waist" to me. I'd love to buy a new waist! 

The early closing time for restaurants has been lifted and I was at work until later than usual and by the time I'd showered it was almost 3:00 when I crawled into bed. It's not my week to attend church (capacity restrictions are still in place) so I was happy to be able to play Euchre with my sisters and brother-in-law. And be able to stay in my pajamas. 

My intention was to tackle the piles of stuff on the floor and finish hanging paintings and such. Spontaneous Sunday won out. Schaun invited me to visit with his sister, Brenda. I stopped to purchase pie for Pi Day at the yummy Pots and Pans Pie shop, just around the corner from my house. 
When we pulled into the condo complex and saw flames shooting out of a building behind Brenda's condo. Although it wasn't clear at first, the fire was actually in the apartments behind the condos. I pounded on the door of the condo directly in front of the fire. I woke a poor woman up, disconnected her central oxygen, got her portable tank, shoes, and inhaler and we hustled to the sidewalk. 

The talented firefighters were able to quell the fire before it jumped to the neighboring buildings. The woman thanked me, but I fear that she'll run the other way if she ever sees me again. 

I calmed my nerves with pie and more pie. 

Two Noras: March 13, 1914 and March 13, 2021

Nora Bauer: Friday, March 13, 1914

Was very nice today. Most of the ice went out today. Was to church tonight. 

Nora Spitznogle: Saturday, March 13, 2021

An errand turned into a trip to the mechanic and unexpected fun. Waitressed this evening. 

I'll bet the whole town of Logansport sighed in relief when the ice floated away after the horrible flood of 1913. 

When I went to Micheal's last night, I noticed a puddle under the car and felt sorry for whoever had parked there before me...clearly something was wrong with their car. Ha! 

I ran out to pick something up from a friend's porch and in the 30 seconds I was out of the car another puddle had formed...and it smelled like gasoline. I was grateful that I'd actually put on shoes instead of wearing my slippers like I'd seriously considered. 

I drove straight to the dealership and it my panic I made a dumb-ass move. I drove on up to the service bay, the garage door opened, and I drove through spewing didn't occur to me that the engine running would cause the gas to flow even quicker. The service liaison guys were yelling at me to drive all the way through and park outside. They had to sop up the gas with special pads and open all of the doors to air the place out. 

I was so embarrassed I half-way considered abandoning the car, walking to the street, and getting an Uber...or giving a fake name. As I was walking back in to the bay, one of the technicians said, "Nora Spitznogle?" My hope of anonymity was gone. 

The tech said that they wouldn't even look at it until Monday. I was half-way hoping it would disappear before then. 

I called Kassie and she came to my rescue. We had a fun morning/afternoon of getting coffee, watching my new across the street neighbors move in and we poked around my now-vacant other side of my double and went to an estate sale.  We ended up at the local hardware store to see the Gordon Pipers and an Irish step dance team. 

I had just enough time to take a quick nap before my Red Key Tavern shift. 

Two Noras: March 12, 1914 and March 12, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Thursday, March 12, 1914

Was a little cold out today. Was down town this afternoon. Went to singing class tonight. Mamie was sewing the lace on my centerpiece. 

Nora Spitznogle: Friday, March 13, 2021

Last day of my vacation week, I managed to sleep in a bit. I made myself finish painting the three walls - what a relief! 

I've been trying to research centerpieces from Grandma Nora's era. Since Nora's been working on it so long, I'm picturing a big crazy pile of lace and embroidery and silk flowers. I'm sure it was much more delicate and pretty than what I'm imagining. 

I made myself finish the painting the walls. I'd already starting hanging artwork on one of the walls. I decided not to paint the fourth wall that has the arch and iron trellis-y thing. Unfortunately, I'd slopped some white paint on part of it. I was able to match the existing paint by mixing a sample container with some of the white. It's close enough for me. 

I only left the house to run to the craft store for more frames. It was a lovely day of puttering as I pleased.

Two Noras: March 11, 1914 and March 11, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Wednesday, March 11, 1914

Was to church this afternoon and went up town afterward. There was an eclipse of the moon tonight. When we came home is was beginning to get dark. 

Nora Spitznogle: Thursday, March 11, 2021

Volunteered at the Saint Vincent's vaccination clinic this morning. Picked Dad up, then Kassie and drove to Batesville to pick up Sally for her birthday eve dinner in Oldenburg. 

I arrived at one of the buildings on the Saint Vincent's Hospital campus at 6:00 this morning to check people in for their COVID-19 vaccines. It was a nice and happy experience, but six hours is a long time to be staring at the computer and saying the same thing over and over. When folks were checking in for their second vaccine I asked what the first thing they were going to do once they were fully vaccinated. Almost always, the answer was "see my grandchildren." 

My material grandmother, Leona Donohue Gremelspacher, also from Cass County, attended Saint Vincent's nursing school when it was located closer to downtown Indianapolis. She was president of her 1931 graduating class. 

After my volunteer shift I headed to the farm to fetch Dad and his truck. We drove back to Indy to get Kassie and on to Batesville we went. We grabbed Sally and went to the Pearl Street Pub for an early dinner and to celebrate Sally's birthday. 

It was pouring rain when we left the restaurant. We were all soaked and I was extra soggy from running to get the truck. I was happy for Dad's heated truck seats. 

Back to Indy to drop off Kassie and then to Lebanon to drop off Dad and get my car for the trip back to Indianapolis. Can you tell that I'm not fond of driving? 

Two Noras: March 10, 1914 and March 10, 2021

Nora Bauer: Tuesday, March 10, 1914
Was up to the bank again this afternoon. Saw Lizzie too. Have almost finished my centerpiece. It has snowed a little this evening. 

Nora Spitznogle: Wednesday, March 10, 2021
More painting in my pajamas and organizing and napping today. I had dinner with Kim this evening. Nice enough to sit outside. 
More centerpiece! More Lizzie! More snow. 

I had a perfectly lazy day today. I'm not sure if it was a side effect from my COVID-19 vaccine or that I was just tuckered out. I loved being able to take several cat (with the cat) naps. Speaking of that, I didn't realize exactly how much Tilly slept - she's a good napper! 

My friend, Kim, and I walked to the Aristocrat for dinner. This no booze for Lent thing is a drag - maybe I should give myself a vacation dispensation. 

Two Noras: March 9, 1914 and March 9, 2021

Nora Bauer: Monday, March 9, 1914
John Kreutzberger died this morning. I was up to the bank this afternoon and bought some lace for my center piece. Saw Lizzie she had been to the dentist.

Nora Spitznogle: Tuesday, March 9, 2021
I managed to sleep a little later this morning. Unseasonably warm and sunny today. I painted and cleaned and did laundry between naps and trips to the hardware store. 

The centerpiece lives on! My cousin Lou remembers that there are some Bauer relatives in Iowa. I think her theory that Lizzie is a cousin and was visiting family is spot on. Today poor Lizzie got to visit the dentist.  

I've learned that the best way to declutter is to take everything off the shelves and to take a hard look at it before putting it back. My floor is heaped with books and tablecloths and dishware.  I made a delightful discovery in the pile- a childhood book of Grandma Nora's. 

Jolly Comrades is a series of books published in Chicago. There isn't a publishing date, but research show that it was 1900-ish. How cool is that? 

I'm late posting because I ran into a snag when looking for the obituary of John Kreutzberger - I found it on March 9th, but kept getting an error when I went to "clip" the article. Now I can't find it anywhere! I searched many combinations of spellings and the newspapers in surrounding counties. I'm beginning to thing that I dreamed the whole thing! 

As a bonus, I found this mention of John in the December 13, 1913 Logansport Journal Tribune. 
A cake burglary! I'm going to start blaming a thief the next time I eat sweets in the middle of the night. 

Two Noras: March 8, 1914 and March 8, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Sunday, March 8, 1914

Was a little better when I got up this morning but had to go back to bed about 10:00 and did not go to church. Was talking to Helen M. on the phone. Paul was in tonight. 

Nora Spitznogle: Monday, March 8, 2021

I planned on sleeping in, so I woke up at 4:15, two hours earlier than usual. I got the big wall painted and the furniture moved. I only had to make two trips to the hardware store. 

Poor Grandma Nora's head - missing church on Sunday seems like a big deal for her. I'm glad that she got to see Paul. I wonder who Helen M. was? 

I had a lovely day off. Painting is so much easier in the daylight. I finished the big wall and was able to move furniture there. I still need to paint the other three, but there isn't as much wall between windows, doors, and openings. I'm not going to paint the other rooms - I honestly don't are enough. 

My work-style seems chaotic on the surface. I pile everything in the middle of the rooms and go from there. I've learned that taking every book out of the bookcases and emptying the drawers forces me to take a hard look at everything. I loved having the time to sit on the floor and flip through books. I spent an hour reading Irish poetry - a lovely treat. The yard sale/donate bins are filling up - woo hoo!