Two Noras: January 16, 1915 and January 16, 2023

Nora Bauer: Saturday, January 16, 1915

Rained almost all day today. Gertrude and I went to church tonight. Anna went to see "Blue Bird." 

Nora Spitznogle: Monday, January 16, 2023

Off work today. Took Mom to doctors appointment then we joined the MLK, Jr. Day celebration in Whitestown.

Rain in January just sounds cold and yucky. More church for Grandma Nora and her younger sister Gertrude. Older sis, Anna went to see a play. The write up below would not have made me want to see it...."transcendental pantomime" is not a selling point for me.  

Second Helpings was closed today in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. It's fun to have the day off, but it's weird to not be having a party at the Farm. 

I took Mom to a doctor's appointment this morning and was gobsmacked. I should have done some research, but I hadn't gone to any of Mom's dermatology appointments and I hadn't heard the diagnosis that she had melanoma and we were visiting a plastic surgeon. I was caught off guard and it didn't help that the surgeon was thinking out loud about whether he would move skin around on her face or do a graft on her cheek. 

I like to pride myself on being able to handle medical things, but I got a little woozy and had to leave the room for a few minutes. 

We went down to the lab for presurgical blood work and a chest Xray. 

J.R. texted that he'd arranged for a fried fish and fries buffet at LA Cafe in Whitestown (just a few miles from Dad's farm). Mom and I headed there after we finished with the tests. Beth and her husband, Troy were there, several of Dad's friends, J.R.'s coworkers, neighbors, and Uncle Phil (Mom's brother). 
Mom in front, Nora, Beth, Uncle Phil, J.R.

It was great to laugh and play Euchre and tell stories.  

It took Mom to her house and got home late, smelling like fish - just like the old days! 

Two Noras: January 15, 1915 and January 15, 2023

Nora Bauer: Friday, January 15, 1915

Was pretty sleepy today. Went up town this afternoon. Did some crocheting this evening. 

Nora Spitznogle: Sunday, January 15, 2023

Went to Aunt Carol's funeral service and luncheon with Schaun and Brenda in Anderson. 

I'll bet that Grandma Nora was tired after the excitement of hosting the dance last night. I wish I know whether going uptown meant to work, or shop, or what. 

Today was Aunt Carol's funeral at the church that she and her husband, Dale, attended. Aunt Carol was active in the church - landscaping and funeral dinners among her activities. The service was really nice and the people were wonderful. 

I always say that you can measure the life of someone by the desserts at their funeral dinner. 

Aunt Carol was clearly loved! 

I may have skipped some family history - Aunt Carol was married to my mom's youngest brother, Uncle Phil. Their children, Kelly, Christopher, and Andy are my first cousins. 

Kelly is engaged to Adrian Rising-Moore, brother of Schaun (who I used to date) and Brenda (who continues to be a dear friend). 

Two Noras: January 14, 1915 and January 14, 2023

Nora Bauer: Thursday, January 14, 1915

Was a swell day today. Worked real hard. Just got home from the gigglers dance it is around 1:30 AM, But had such a good time. We had just a nice crowd. 

Nora Spitznogle: Saturday, January 14, 2023

Made a batch of Aunt Carol's dip. Worked at Marigold, then drove to Logansport for Aunt Carol's funeral home calling and saw lots of cousins. Went to Mass at All Saints Church. 

What a fun day for Grandma Nora! Her club, the Gigglers, hosted a dance. 

From the newspaper report, the dance was quite a success! I wonder what antiqued old-fashioned costumes looked like in 1915? 100 couples equals 200 people - that's a bunch of people! I assume that Paul attended and I hope that Nora had lots of dance partners. 

I made a batch of Aunt Carol's dip this morning. My cousin Kelly brought it to us the day after Dad died - it was the perfect thing to much on while we were telling stories. 

I worked at Marigold today and drove to Logansport for Aunt Carol's calling at Kroeger Funeral Home. It was so nice to see so many people honoring her. 

I learned that there was 4:30 Mass at All Saints, formerly St. Joseph's, where Grandma Nora graduated from 8th grade and and attended Mass. In fact, her grandfather came to Logansport to make the bricks that built the church. 

The church spire looked much closer from the top of the hill, so I decided to walk from the funeral home. The church was six blocks away, not a bad downhill walk. 

Mass was beautiful and I loved sitting in the space that Grandma Nora spent so much time in. I chatted with the priest, Father Mauman, after Mass and shared with him all of the activities that Grandma Nora participated in at the parish. 

I caught a ride with my brother J.R. after Mass back to the funeral home. Mom and Beth and more cousins were there and it was fun to catch up with everyone and I stayed until the service was over. 

I met up with J.R. back in Indy at the Legion to hear a friend's band play. Kassie and Tracy joined us. I stopped at the Red Key on the way home to help close down and lock up, since I'd gotten my shift covered. 

Two Noras: January 13, 1915 and January 13, 2023

Nora Bauer: Wednesday, January 13, 1915

Was real nice out today. Tallied lumber today. John was over tonight and they played cards finished my dresser scarf tonight. Rich called Mamie up. 

Nora Spitznogle: Friday, January 13, 2023

Windy and wet weather today. Worked at Second Helpings today - the usual mix of meetings and planning for meetings. Worked in the basement this evening. 

Was it her Uncle John that was visiting? And how I would love to see that dresser scarf! I'm guessing that Grandma Nora was doing a lumber inventory for Barnes Construction, the company she worked for. 

The most exciting sentence in today's update is "Rich called Mamie up." 

Did Great-Aunt Mamie have a suitor? I hope so! Mamie never married and was a doting aunt and great-aunt - for years she'd have a gift for each of her great-nieces and nephews, I wish I could remember the specifics of those gifts. It's the thought that counts, right? 

Mamie was a bookkeeper at Seybold's Department Store for years and lived to be 94 years old. She never married, so the thought of her having a beau is fun...and makes this never-married 61 year old feel a little better. 

This evening's basement project was organizing all of my shoes, boots, purses, and socks. Now that they're all in one place, I realize what a ridiculous amount of footwear that I own. 

The bookcase on the left was in closet that I just cleaned out.  - it was a Christmas gift in 1974 (I was 13 1/2) and I loved/love it! 

Here is a photo of me with ALL of my gifts that year. Check out that groovy sweater and pants and my hot rollers! 

I still have several of the things displayed in the bookcase. The grey vase was from my dear Aunt Rita (Mom's youngest sister, who died in 1990 at only 41 years old). I'm pretty sure that Ann Herr Mitchell gave me the yellow Nancy Drew book on the top shelf.  

The collection of Trixie Beldon books are in my current bookcase - can you tell that I'm a sentimental fool? Whenever I would have any spending money, I would buy the latest in the series at the Danner store in town.  

Two Noras: January 12, 1915 and January 12, 2023

Nora Bauer: Tuesday, January 12, 1915

I suppose Paul butchered today at least he told me he was going to. Intended going to a card game but came home with a headache and went to bed. 

Nora Spitznogle: Thursday, January 12, 2023

Worked at Second Helpings today - lots of meetings. I am excited about being on the 2024 NBA All Stars committee. We had a meeting today at Gainbridge Fieldhouse this afternoon. 

Was Paul butchering cows, pigs, or even chickens? Although butchering chickens might not be worth a mention. I'm realizing that Grandma Nora hasn't mentioned Paul's farming career at all. She wrote about visiting his house and that he painted his rig once, but that's as close as she's come to talking about it. 

Confession time: I loved butchering days when I was a kid! 

We would raise about six cows every year and butcher and quarter them. I didn't like to be around during the killing part, but I'd run out to the barn when that part was finished. I took great pride in helping remove the hide, without nicking it. 

Dad would hang the quarters in our old milk house to age before it would be delivered to the butcher to be cut to the specifications of whoever had purchased it. 

This is one of my favorite childhood photos. I'm in front, beaming with pride, J.R. is next to me, then Beth and Dad. I'm not sure of the year, but I'm guessing early 70s. 

There was a kick-off meeting for the host committee for the 2024 NBA All Star host committee this afternoon at Gainbridge Fieldhouse, where the Indiana Pacers play. I'm in the back row on the left, in the shadows. 

Indianapolis was set to host the game in 2021, but it got postponed due to the pandemic. 

I'm excited to be part of the sustainability committee, working on minimizing the ecological impact of the game - food rescue, recycling, repurposing, composting, etc. 

Two Noras: January 11, 1915 and January 11, 2023

Nora Bauer: Monday, January 11, 1915

Was rather damp out today and tried to rain. Was real busy all day today. Helen M. called up this evening. 

Nora Spitznogle: Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Aunt Carol died today. I worked at Second Helpings today - lots of meetings. Met Cara for dinner and a concert. 

I assume that when Grandma Nora says she was busy all day, it was at work. I'm pretty sure that Helen M. is Helen Minneman

My beautiful Aunt Carol died suddenly this week. I was 5 1/2 when she and married Mom's brother, Uncle Phil, and I was smitten from the first time I met her.
Aunt Carol was 60s mod - makeup, groovy clothes, and she LOVED Elvis.
She and Uncle Phil lived across the field from from our beloved Grandma and Grandpa Gremelspacher and when we were visiting them we could walk over - as country kids living on a busy highway, walking somewhere seemed exotic- and visit with Carol.
My sister and I loved doing anything with Carol - we’d actually vie to do her dishes! I probably wore her out with all of my chattering and questions!
If she didn’t happen to be home we’d have fun weaving her garden hose around the yard and turning the door mat and such upside down. When I saw her a few weeks ago, she called the pranks our “calling card” and told me how much she enjoyed our visits.
The last few years she and her husband, Dale, volunteered at the Dairy Bar at the Fairgrounds with their church group. You can imagine what a thrill that was for me!
I can’t remember a time when she wasn’t smiling and I always felt completely loved when I was around her - I hope that she felt just as loved around me.
She is missed already and my heart aches for her children - my dear cousins.

Brother Brothers

I met my friend Cara Jean in Fountain Square for dinner and we saw two wonderful bands, Hello Darling, and Brother Brothers (real-life twins). Both bands were fabulous!

Two Noras: January 10, 1915 and January 10, 2023

Nora Bauer: Sunday, January 10, 1915

Was to 7:30 and 10 o'clock Mass today. Did some typing for Sister this afternoon. We played cards this evening. 

Nora Spitznogle, Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Busy day at Second Helpings, including interviewing potential culinary students. My evening home project was tackling a corner of the basement. 

I appreciate Grandma Nora's dedication to the Church. Especially when you consider that Masses were in Latin and the priests faced the altar (so their backs were to the congregation) in those days. The thought that she was part of a choir would make sense. Or maybe she was just waiting for her beau, Paul, to show up with his mother. 

Nora was doing some typing for Sister this time last year - 1914, that is. 

I love the idea of Nora's family all playing cards together. 

My day was long - Second Helpings is open later on Tuesdays so it's a good night to stay later and get things done with minimal interruptions. It was fun to give potential culinary job training students tours and interview the ones that are interested. 

My zeal for organizing is still hot, so I tackled the basement. The basement is a wreck, so I decided to start in the corner and go from there. I have another car load of donations ready to go. 

Two Noras: January 9, 1915 and January 9, 2023

Nora Bauer: Saturday, January 9, 1915

Was nice out today. Went down town this afternoon saw quite a few people I knew. 

Nora Spitznogle: Monday, January 9, 2023

Worked at Second Helpings today, ducked out for Mom's doctor's appointment and lunch. More home projects. 

I know that I said it two years ago, but my goal THIS year is to walk the path from Grandma Nora's house to St. Joesph's and downtown Logansport. I'm still unclear whether she walked or took public transportation or their carriage to where she was going. 

I love that she saw people that she knew - I like to think that I got my "visiting" bent from her and Dad. 

Mom had a follow up appointment with her surgeon this afternoon. She had a hysterectomy in November to remove uterine cancer. The plan now is to monitor quarterly - there is nothing new, so we'll see her doctor in three months. I feel so bad for Mom, her life seems to be a series of doctors appointments and I know she's tired of it! 

My home improvement projects continue and I'm trying to ride that wave of enthusiasm, because that doesn't often happen. 

This evening I hung this groovy lamp that I got in my neighborhood swap group for $10. Isn't it cool? Also pictured is my fabulous 1950s era sofa with the original vinyl slipcovers and a snippet of my collection of Tonic Ball posters. 


Two Noras: January 8, 1915 and January 8, 2023

Nora Bauer: Friday, January 8, 1915

Started crocheting lace on my center piece  dresser scarf today. There was a fire down on Helen St. tonight. Taylor's barn burned. 

Nora Spitznogle: Sunday, January 8, 2023

I attacked the rest of the things that I unearthed from the closet - I have carload of things to donate.   

I keep saying this, but I sure wish I could see Grandma Nora's fancy work.

Here are the details of the fire. I wonder how much trouble they all got in? 

I loved having a rare day with no obligations. Of course, Grandma Nora would have pointed out that going to Mass is an obligation - sorry, Grandma. I loved having the whole day off. I got a ton of work done and packed bags and bags of things to take to the Catholic thrift store tomorrow. 

Two Noras: January 7, 1915 and January 7, 2023

Nora Bauer: Thursday, January 7, 1915

Was real nice out today. Was up town this afternoon. Was to singing class tonight. Finished my lace for the towel tonight. 

Nora Spitznogle: Saturday, January 7, 2023

I worked at Second Helpings this morning and the Red Key Tavern this evening, with a nice nap in between. Nothing exciting. 

I've yet to figure out Grandma Nora's work schedule. I wonder if she went to the office this afternoon? Singing class would have been at St. Joesph's Catholic Church. I wonder if this means that she was also in the choir? Or was a church choir a thing in 1915? 

I worked and worked some more. Both jobs were busy, which I love! 

Two Noras: January 6, 1915 and January 6, 2023

Nora Bauer: Wednesday, January 6, 1915

Rained all day today is very windy and turning colder tonight. Mr. Sewnig died very suddenly this afternoon. Paul called me up tonight. 

Nora Spitznogle: Friday, January 6, 2023

Worked today, took a little time away to drive to Lebanon to attend Mrs. Wood's funeral mass. Met Kassie and Tracy for dinner. 

I was having a hard time deciphering the name of the man who died suddenly. I searched the newspaper archives for Logansport for "died suddenly" and Mr. Sewnig's name popped up. 

I wonder if Mr. Sewnig's restaurant was close to Grandma Nora's papa's tavern? 

I scooted out of work for a few hours to attend Mrs. Wood's funeral. Our two families attended St. Joesph's Catholic church and I feel like we've always known each other. 

I met Kassie and Tracy in Broad Ripple for dinner - Kassie's older dog, Levi, died today. 

Two Noras: January 5, 1915 and January 5, 2023

Nora Bauer: Tuesday, January 5, 1915

Is much warmer out today and thawed a great deal. Did some more crocheting tonight. It is now past ten and just going to bed. 

Nora Spitznogle: Thursday, January 5, 2023

Another workday, another day of meetings. I came straight home to attack the closet project. Lots of sorting, recycling, and feelings - so many newspaper clippings!

I wonder what Grandma Nora's typical bedtime was? She didn't seem to be the night owl that I am. 

I got a lot done this evening. I took one of the bookcases out of the closet and tucked my desk into that space, to make room for the round bookcase. 

It feels like a have another room in the house now. 

I'm glad that tomorrow is recycling pickup. I filled the bin this evening with papers and magazines. I'd kept an issue of everything that I've ever written and after years of being a columnist for the no longer in print, Broad Ripple Gazette, there is a lot of paper in this house. 

This photo bubbled to the surface this evening. I have no idea what was happening in our back yard. It's fun to see the pine tree that now towers over the house and the original green color of the house. My sister Beth and I are looking groovy. 

This was another fun find - science fair winners in 1974 - I would have been 13. I'm on the left, I don't remember that fab outfit - so cute! Kassie is standing next to me (back row). 

Two Noras: January 4, 1915 and January 4, 2023

Nora Bauer: Monday, January 4, 1915

Leo went away today at 1:15. Worked on my lace tonight. Herman went skating. 

Nora Spitznogle: Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Worked at Second Helpings today, organizing and decluttering at home this evening. 

Leo would be Nora's 20-year-old cousin, Uncle John Bauer's oldest child. 
Leo's middle name was Vincent - I wonder if that's where Dad's middle name came from? 
undated photograph of Leo

I'm not sure where Leo was headed to, but he married Helen Frueh in Minnesota on St. Valentine's Day 1917 and their oldest child, Marie was born there. By 1919 they were living in Eau Claire, Wisconsin and lived there for the rest of their lives. 
Leo and Helen's wedding, they are joined by Helen's brother and sister) 

Leo (1893-1982) and Helen (1987-1992) had seven children: 

Marie 1917-2016
Lorena (twin) 1919-2004
Loretta (twin) 1919-1943
Albert 1921-1922
Hilda 1923-2010
Delores 1927-1928
Leonard 1929-2021

With the exception of Albert, who died at 11 months old, Delores, who died at 23 months old (on Christmas Eve) and Loretta, who was hit by a car when she was 24, there was great longevity in that family! I'm so sad that I didn't get to meet any of them. 

                     Leo Bauer home 1930ish 

Leo Bauer farmhouse 1923 - I wonder if those are kiddos on the porch? 

Leo Bauer farm 1955ish

Leo, Paul, and Loretta harvesting hay 1935

Leo and Helen 50th Anniversary, 1967

Leo and Helen 60th Anniversary, 1977

I'm grateful to whatever relative of Leo (and mine too, I guess) that shared all of these great photographs on the site. 

Mom gave me a round bookcase that I'm trying to make space in my small house for. I only have two small closets in my house. The dining room closet is a makeshift office, there are two bookshelves in there filled with scrapbooks, papers, office supplies, and my printer. 

I started the daunting task of organizing and letting things go. Going through Dad's things and helping Mom, I am realizing that no one know what most of the things I've saved are about or even care. I find it emotionally draining also - lots of wondering if I should have done things differently....

I did find this delightful photograph from December 2003 taken at a Gremelspacher (maternal side of the family) holiday party. My niece Molly is on my lap, Kate and Bailey are on my right and Olivia on my left. 

Two Noras: January 3, 1915 and January 3, 2023

Nora Bauer: Sunday, January 3, 1915

Went to 9 o'clock Mass and got dinner. We all went down to Uncle John's tonight. We played six handed euchre. 

Nora Spitznogle, Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Worked today - plenty of meetings. I got my hair cut this evening. Liz and Sarah and I went to dinner after. 

When Grandma Nora says "got dinner" I wonder if she is eating out or picking something up and taking it home?

Uncle John is her papa's younger brother. It sounds like a fun family evening! I always joke that I learned how to count by playing Euchre at the knees of my Spitznogle cousins. Six-handed Euchre would be fun to learn. 

The long weekend is over and my workday was full of meetings. I got my hair cut after work. Sarah has become a friend and our mutual friend, Liz, and I coordinate appointments so the three of us can got to dinner after. The weather is unseasonably warm, so we walked to a Mexican restaurant down the street. 

It's always great to laugh with friends! 

Two Noras: January 2, 1915 and January 2, 2023

Nora Bauer: Wednesday, January 2, 1915

Am starting some new lace. Gertrude and Anna went up town tonight.

Nora Spitznogle: Saturday, January 2, 2023

Went to watch the Purdue football bowl game with my friend Ann. 

It sounds like Grandma Nora hunkered down with her fancy work this evening. Her sisters, Gertrude and Anna went uptown - I wonder if they did any shopping? 

Since New Year's Day was on Sunday, the federal holiday is today. And all of my jobs were closed, woo hoo! 

I lounged around my house this morning, then I donned by vintage Purdue football sweater and headed over to the Mitchell's house to watch the game with Ann and Jerry and his parents. 

Purdue played LSU in the Citrus Bowl....and lost 63 to 7. At one point I was cheering for a great play that an LSU player made. 

Even though the bowl game was a bust, the company was great. Ann and I exchanged Christmas gifts - she's fun to buy for and she's a great gift giver. We ate and laughed and I finally relaxed for the first time in months. 

Two Noras: January 1, 1915 and January 1, 2023

 Nora Bauer: Friday, January 1, 1915

Went to 6:00 Mass this morning and worked until noon. Paul and I went to the CBL of I dance this afternoon and was over for supper. We played 600 after supper. 

Nora Spitznogle: Sunday, January 1, 2023

Left Red Key Tavern around 1:30 AM and drove to Mom's to take Ann and Tim to airport then back to switch cars. Slept for four hours. Went to Winterlights this evening. 

Grandma Nora was a devoted member of Saint Joseph's Catholic Church in Logansport, Indiana. She started the year on the right foot by attending Mass. Nora's grandfather made the bricks used to build the church. The three Catholic parishes in Logansport combined to form All Saints Catholic Church which meets in the former Saint Joseph's church. Click here to read more about that.   

Nora and Paul started the year off on a fun foot also. The Catholic Benevolent League of Indiana dance sounds like an elegant affair. I wonder what Nora wore to the dance? 

I also wonder who was at Nora's family's home for supper? Would her papa's bar be open on New Year's Day? 

I took my youngest sister Ann and her darling husband, Tim to the airport bright and early this morning for their flight back to Phoenix. Their visit was fraught with mishaps. Ann tripped over a poinsettia display at the grocery store before they even made it to Mom's from the airport.  Ann broke her elbow and got a big goose egg and cut on her forehead we got to spend overnight in the hospital. It was fun to have them around for Christmas, but their flight home was cancelled several times and they finally left six days later than planned. 

It worked out perfectly for me to pick them up after my Red Key shift and fetch them from Mom's. They had her vehicle packed and ready to go - all I had to do was deliver them! I got back to Mom's in time grab her just-delivered newspaper and have a nice chat. 

I slept for a bit before I went to 10:30 Mass and then visited my fiend Don in the hospital. I puttered around and made a pot of turkey chili and froze portions for upcoming work lunches. 

The last several years I've visited the spectator light show at our museum at least twice a season - once with friends and once by myself. My ticket this evening included a chance to visit the second floor of the Lilly mansion and a glass of bubbly. It was a great way to ring in the new year!

Reset to 1915

I'm finding it too confusing to skip ahead with Grandma Nora's story. And since I have her consecutive journals at my fingertips, it's silly not to transcribe them in order. 

So....I'm starting over and will backtrack to 1915. 

If you happened to be one of the handful of people who read the 1919/2023 posts, sorry...