Two Noras: July 31, 1914 and July 31, 2021

Nora Bauer: Friday, July 31, 1914

Was down to Uncle John's this evening. Just had my ? washed and it looked swell. Florence Z?  and Joe Rech were there.  

Nora Spitznogle: Saturday, July 31, 2021

Home from working at Key at 2:00, helped friend at 8:00, Fair at noon, and work with Second Helping students at Rev at 4:00. 

Oh, Grandma Nora - what are those words I can't read. Did you wash your hair? Uncle John, would be her dad's brother, John Jacob Bauer (1857 - 1938). She's mentioned a Florence before, I wonder if it's the same one and this is the first sighting of Joe Rech. 

I tried searching the old newspapers for various combinations of Joe Rech, Florence, Nora and didn't come up with anything in common. Maybe something will bubble up later. 

What a crazy day this was for me. I got home from the Red Key around 2:00 and was showered and in bed by 2:30. I begrudgingly got up at 7:00 to help a friend's husband move his studio to storage. I was thrilled to help, but I was dragging. 

I can't remember if I mentioned that I was attending the Indiana State Fair each day and writing about if for NUVO. I really enjoy it, but there are days like this that I need to squeeze in a visit. 

I took a quick loop around the Fairgrounds and was lucky enough to see the Budweiser Clydesdales being hitched for the Daily Parade. I was happy to watch the parade of vintage tractors and such before I grabbed a ribeye sandwich and listen to music in Pioneer Village.

I stopped to visit the Ugly Lamp on the way out - I don't want to get on her bad side. 

Our Culinary Job Training students participate in REV a fundraiser for Methodist Hospital held at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.  I help with them and I'm the liaison with the Board of Health. 

And I was able to invite two friends, Novella and Kassie. It's a fun event and a great venue. There is a light show projected on the Pagoda, the deejay is in the flagger perch above the track, and dancing is on the yard of bricks.  

I love being at the Speedway and having reasons to be in the behind the scenes places. Our home base for the evening is the Media Center. It's a long night - I arrived at 4:00 and left around midnight. I walk around with the Board of Health as they check the restaurants for food safety - all was well. The rest of the time I'm helping to wrangle students. 

I met Novella for a drink at the Red Key afterwards, then went home to write my Fair wrap up. My Apple watch tells me that I was awake for 20 hours and clocked 10.1 miles walking. My feet are feeling it! 

Two Noras: July 30, 1914 and July 30, 2021

Nora Bauer: Thursday, July 30, 1914

Was very nice out today. Went up town this afternoon and met Marie Porter. 

Nora Spitznogle, Friday, July 30, 2021

Indiana State Fair early - blue ribbon ugly lamp! Worked downtown, worked at the Red Key. 

I'm glad that Grandma Nora and Marie got to see each other again. I wonder what they talked about? Was ice cream involved this time also? 

Today is opening day of the Indiana State Fair - and you'll be thrilled to know that I'm once again the blue ribbon winner in the Ugly Lamp contest. Yep, I've got the ugliest lamp on the state.

Yes, it's a thing - Ugly Lamp is a category in the antiques division, although it doesn't have to be an antique. I've also gotten first place in 2017 and 2019 and have gotten some sort of ribbon over the last fifteen years or so. It's silly and fun and requires no talent beyond thrifting and a good eye for bad lamps..
I also entered other actual antiques. I entered Dad's 1956 4-H State Fair badge and it earned second place in it's category. The Coco Marsh PEZ dispenser received second place in the Baby Boomer toys division. 

In the culinary division, my English Toffee was awarded the third-place ribbon. None of my other baking entries earned anything. I won Best of Show in 2019 with my elderflower/lemon cake. My balsamic roasted strawberry cake did not do very well. In fact, it's placed at the very end of the shelf looking like it's trying to hide. 

I had the Dairy Bar's shake of the year - Salted Caramel for breakfast and an ear of Wilson's Corn for the walk to the car. 

I raced to work at Second Helpings and from there raced to work at the Red Key - I need tomorrow off for a work event. 

Two Noras: July 29, 1914 and July 29, 2021

Nora Bauer: Wednesday, July 29, 1914

Mary was over for dinner today and all of the girls went up to the park for supper, but me. Had to go down to the office. Came home in Gingrich's auto. 

Nora Spitznogle: Thursday, July 29, 2021

Worked in office this morning, attended State Fair Media Day for lunch, worked remotely afternoon, DDS, back to office, met Pioneer Village guys for drink at Red Key, back downtown for  concert. 

It sounds like Grandma Nora was feeling a little Cinderella-like, having to go to work while her friend and sisters picnicked at the park. She did get a ride home in an automobile - that must have been exciting! 

My day was crazy-busy and it reminded me of how I used to roll - always on the move and heading somewhere else. 

I worked in the office this morning and popped in to the second half of Media Day for the State Fair. 

There were samples of the some of the signature Fair foods. I had a Philly cheesesteak fries (Miss Piggy's), a Bavarian cream puff (The German Corner), ice coffee (Hooks Drug Store Museum), and a Fruity Pebbles Funnel Cake (Monroe Concessions). I can't imagine how many calories I would have consumed if I'd been there for the whole time.

The event was in the Harvest Pavilion (Purdue Building to you old-timers), home of the City of Bricks - I can't believe the amazing things that can be made of Lego bricks!

We were offered rides on the two new attractions - the double-decker merry go round (next to the Grandstand) and the giant Ferris Wheel (next to the Farm Bureau Building)  I thought that I may be brave enough to go to the second story of the carousel, but no way would I go on the Ferris Wheel - as I mentioned the other day. 

I have an inexplicable fear of heights. Over the years I've had to be carried from haymows, grain bins, and anything higher than a step stool. I've frozen while touring castles, and climbing stairs in Europe, and can't make it through the roof hatch at work. No way was I going to ride the 150 feet tall largest Ferris Wheel in Indiana. Have I mentioned "no way" enough times? 

View with my feet safely on the ground. 

I did it!
Here I am, tight shouldered and hanging on to anything I can. 

Being silly. 

Thanks to Tori, managing editor of Indy With Kids for riding with me. I figured that if she was a Mom, she could handle me.

Nora and Tori
The ride was delightful and I'm so glad that I did it. I think being enclosed really helped. The view is incredible - next time I'll look for my house. 

I headed home to work until it was time to go to the dentist in Carmel - only 12 miles, but it took 40 minutes to get there. And I have a cavity. Boo. 

I had a meeting back downtown at work - it took me 90 minutes to get there from the dentist - uggh. 

I was going to work late and go straight to a concert - Band of Horses - just a few blocks away, when I got a text that my favorite Pioneer Village guys were at the Red Key. I've been writing about them for almost twenty years and Dad had gotten to know them also. I look forward to our reunions each year. 

It was great to see them before the Fair started - we chatted about Dad and catch up on the last two years - there was no Fair in 2020. 

I'll share stories about them in the next few days. 

After that I ran home to change and back downtown for the last 45 minutes of the concert. 

What a fun busy happy day! 

Two Noras: July 28, 1914 and July 28, 2021

Nora Bauer: Tuesday, July 28, 1914

Mary Brill came back again today. She was over at our house w [for?] a few minutes last evening. They went over to Franks. Mamie & Anna went with them. 

Nora Spitznogle: Wednesday, July 28, 2021

My work day was full of meetings and organizing my office. Went to see Conrad Cortellini's code art. Cheered on the kickball team - they didn't need me to play. 

Grandma Nora has mentioned Mary Brill before. I still haven't figured out the connection, but here's a blurb from this visit. 

I wonder if the Franks they visited was Uncle Frank Bauer? He was in the same business - tavern- as her father, Felix. 

I put a white board on wheels in front of the storage shelves and hung a photograph of Mrs. Herr volunteering at Second Helpings along with Dad's volunteer name tag. It makes me smile! 
After work I popped into Conrad Cortellini's open house. He's getting ready to move his studio. Read more about Conrad's work by clicking here. 
I wasn't needed to play a position on our kick ball this evening, so I cheered them on. We didn't win, but we didn't lose by as much as usual. 

Two Noras: July 27, 1914 and July 27, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Monday, July 27

Was pretty busy today. Went up town and met Marie Porter. She bought me some ice cream. 

Nora Spitznogle: Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Moved back into my old office today. Quiet evening at home catching up on writing - not dishes. 

Marie Porter and Grandma Nora went to Saint Joesph's School together. I'm delighted about how often Grandma Nora mentions ice cream - Dad loved ice cream too. 

Last year when the pandemic started the staff moved from the open office space to places where we could be at least six feet apart. I was thrilled (seriously) to be working from an eight foot table in the conference room. I was in front of a window looking out over the front of the building and close to the front desk. I was able to solve some things before before they became problems. And a window! 

We're turning the conference room back to a meeting space, now that we're starting to have more in person meetings. 

In surveying the staff we learned that everyone wanted to get back together. We've also started asking for proof of COVID vaccination. Vaccinated people have the option of not masking, all others much mask and distance. 

Anyway, with distancing and having a bigger staff and such there is no room for me back in the open space so I'm back in my original office - although it's being used as a storage room. I took my table and moved on in. I've worked in five different spaces in my 16 years there. It's sort of fun to back back where I started. 

Two Noras: July 26, 1914 and July 26, 2021

Nora Bauer: Sunday, July 26, 1914

Went to see Barney Oldfield and Lincoln Beachey this afternoon. Beachey is some flier. Paul was over for supper and we took a drive. X     

Nora Spitznogle, Monday, July 26, 2021

I tried to leave work an hour early to finish cake, instead was the last one to leave. Delivered cake, dinner with Kassie and Schaun.  

What and exciting show that Grandma Nora got to see. Aeroplanes and automobiles! I'm glad that she had supper and a ride with Paul. I wonder why Grandma Nora added the X? 

I finished frosting and topping the cake. Of course I forgot to take a photo of the finished product. Since it's the every-other-Monday dinner with Kassie and Schaun I asked Schaun to pick me up to deliver the cake to the Fair. I only live a mile away, I don't know how people who live five counties away manage it. 

Here I am dropping it off - I'm always afraid I'll trip down those stairs and drop something.

We drove around the Fairgrounds. This year's attraction is this giant Ferris wheel. I will NOT be riding that! 

Two Noras: July 25, 1914 and July 25, 2021

Nora Bauer: Saturday, July 25, 1914
Went out to Burnettsville on the 4 o'clock train to pay the men off on the road. Came back at 6:40. 

Nora Spitznogle: Sunday, July 25, 2021
Went to 10:30 Mass at Saint Joan of Arc, grocery store for balsamic vinegar, lunch with Schaun, nap followed by baking. 
This is an interesting update by Grandma Nora. Burnettsville is 17 miles from Logansport. I wonder if she paid them in cash? I wonder what the project was? I want to hear more! 

I went to 10:30 Mass at Saint Joan of Arc - I served as an EME (Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist).  We have a new priest - he seems great. I'm starting to worry about the rise in COVID-19 cases so I wore a mask to Mass and the grocery store. 

I took a nap when I got home - I feel so much better! 

Tomorrow is cake entry day for the Indiana State Fair. I'm entering a "do-your-own-thing" cake - a roasted balsamic strawberry vanilla bean cake.

The recipe includes six cups of sliced strawberries roasted in balsamic vinegar. 
The baked strawberries are delicious - they would also be great over ice cream or just as-is. 

This very stylish avocado color 1970s blender is the newest appliance in my whole pan of roasted strawberries blended down to about half of a cup. I used the strawberry paste to flavor the frosting. 

I baked the cake layers - the second batch was a charm. 

I misjudged how many quarts of strawberries that I needed. I'll be eating strawberries for days - lucky me! 

I'll get up early tomorrow to start frosting the cake layers. I'm off to watch the Olympics! 

Two Noras: July 24, 1914 and July 24, 2021

Nora Bauer: Friday, July 24, 1914

Had a nice rain this afternoon. is somewhat cooler this evening. Started my pillow this afternoon. 

Nora Spitznogle: Saturday, July 24, 2021

Up early to bake, worked at Marigold, more baking, took entries to Fair, worked at Key. 

It looks like Grandma Nora has another fancy work project in the works. 

Boy this was a busy day! I got up at 6:00 to bake and make toffee. I smoothed my hair down enough to look slightly presentable to work at Marigold. Back home to bake more cookies. Then the stress of picking out six cookies that look alike to enter. 

Luckily I live just a mile from the Fairgrounds. I don't know how people bring their baked goods from five counties away. 

I was amazed by how many of the people volunteering to check in the culinary and antiques knew about Dad and shared memories - he loved the State Fair as much as I do. I drove around the Fairgrounds and stopped by Pioneer Village. Dang, I look tired - I guess I've earned it! 

I went straight to work at the Red Key. It was nice and busy. 

Two Noras: July 23, 1914 and July 23, 2021

Nora Bauer: Thursday, July 29, 1914 

Was very hot today. I think it was about the hottest day we had. Was to singing class this evening. Had a nice little shower. 

Nora Spitznogle: Friday, July 29, 2021

Worked at Second Helpings today. Grocery store on the way home. The evening was spent transcribing recipes into the State Fair template and making dough. 

Oh my goodness, Grandma Nora - it's hot in 2021 also! I think I should get extra credit for baking in a 1950s Frigidaire by General Motors oven and using a 1948 Crosley Shelvador refrigerator in an un-air conditioned kitchen. 
Best of show ribbon for my 2019 State Fair cake - since there was no Fair last year, I'm claiming the champion title for 2020 also. I'm afraid that streak is over this year. 
My beloved stove. it's as big as a General Motors car! The left side is a warmer/storage, the right side has two small ovens. 

I made snickerdoodle and ginger cookie dough and baked some of each. I wasn't happy with the ginger cookies so I made another batch. After a late-night trip to the store to purchase a loaf pan - how can I not have a loaf pan? - and two attempts at lime quick was more like brick bread, I decided to throw in the towel on that one. 

I'm so happy that my printer is cooperating - there have been some frustrating years trying to get the recipes printed. 

The kitchen looks like a tornado hit it! At least I was good and tired when I went to bed. 

Two Noras: July 22, 1914 and July 22, 2021

Nora Bauer: Wednesday, July 22, 1914
Was very warm today. Did some fancy work at the office and also this evening. John was over and we had some ice cream. 

Nora Spitznogle: Thursday, July 22, 2021
Another sort of long day at work. Met Kim for dinner after - her Dad died on Monday. Made shopping list for State Fair baking. 

I keep assuming that John is her cousin John Hayward Bauer - he's two years younger than Grandma Nora. I don't think that she had another beau - she seems pretty true to Paul. 

I met Kim for dinner - her dear papa, then same age as Dad died on Monday. He has been in the hospital and back for a month or so. So sad.....

Ran into other friends on the way out and had a nice chat. 

My State Fair entries are due tomorrow or Saturday. I had a silly idea that I'd be able to do some baking this evening. It was much better spent with Kim. 

Two Noras: July 21, 1914 and July 21, 2021

Nora Bauer: Tuesday, July 21, 1914

Gertrude and I went down to sisters tonight. Gertrude made a cake for Sister Olga. Susie & Teresa went home at 1:00 P.M. 22

Nora Spitznogle: Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Busy day at work. Drove to Farm to borrow an old photograph to enter in State Fair. Played kickball - scored only run!

The other day we found a stash of old holy cards given to Grandma Nora by the School Sisters of Notre Dame, the order that taught at Saint Joseph in Logansport. I know there were a few signed by Sr. Olga. I can't wait to look at them closer. 

I'm still on the trail of Susie and Teresa. 

It was a busy day at work, just like I like 'em! I drove to the Farm to borrow an old photograph to enter in to the Indiana State Fair open show. I entered a photo of Grandma Nora's mom, Barbara  with Nora and Paul's oldest children, Eleanor and Cletus one year and it received the third place ribbon. In 2019 I entered the First Communion photograph of  Felix Spitznogle (Nora and Paul's sixth child) - it received an honorable mention . I'll snap a photo of them the next time I'm at the Farm. 

Beth was there also and we were chatting and looking at pictures when I realized I needed to hightail it to the kickball field - we were playing the late game - 7:55 - and I ran onto the field at 7:54. 
Inexplicably, I scored the only run. 

I guess I can explain it. I was the first kicker that inning and made it to first base. I was followed by three strong kickers that got me rest of the way. No one was more surprised than I was! 

Two Noras: July 20, 1914 and July 20, 2021

Nora Bauer: Monday, July 20, 1914

Mary Brill came today all of us girls were over to Aunt Kate's tonight. Had a good time. 

Nora Bauer: Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Worked late today, finally feeling caught up on emails and such. Speaking of finally - front yard is mowed. 

You might remember that Mary lives in Shelbyville. I love that they're all hanging out at Aunt Kate's. 

I worked until 7:00 - it's amazing how much you can get done when it's quieter. 

I finally got the front yard mowed - the grass was so tall that it kept gumming up the mower. A neighbor came over to see if she could help - nothing like a grey-haired woman mowing the grass in her work boots to bring out the nice folks. 

One bonus of the pandemic was getting to know my neighbors better. I've become much closer to my neighbors on the south - they've been so sweet this last year and about Dad. Mr. G. reminds me of Dad. He retired from working in automotive manufacturing and is a UAW guy. 

Off to bed. Look at me go.....

Two Noras: July 19, 1914 and July 19, 2021

Nora Bauer: Sunday, July 19, 1914

 Paul & Susie, Teresa, and Aunt Kate were here to spend the day. This afternoon we walked out to Minneman's. Paul and I went driving after supper. Had some rain. 

Nora Spitznogle: Monday, July 19, 2021

Another night of sleeplessness. Worked downtown today. Managed to do two loads of laundry and defrost the refrigerator and so some laundry this evening. The mail has been overwhelming. 

I still can't figure out the Susie and Teresa connection. I've searched ancestry and through newspapers of that era and can't find a connection or last name.  We know who Paul is - Spitznogle,  Grandma Nora's beau and Kate is her aunt, Uncle Valentine's widow. I wonder how long of a walk it was to the Minneman's? I really want to take a day or two and map out and walk the routes that Grandma Nora would have. I always smile when Nora and Paul get to go on a drive. 

I tossed and turned again last night. I ate decently, no booze, and I exercised....I'll keep that going and we'll see what happens. 

People have been so sweet - I've learned so much about how to support friends in times of grief by what people have been doing for me. Almost every day I come home to flowers or soup or pie or whiskey or pasta for Second Helpings at my door. 

Today there were eggs from a friend's backyard chickens, rice and pasta for Second Helpings, and a bouquet of flowers. 

And more mail. I've had such a hard time opening cards - they are so thoughtful and people are sharing memories and Dad and I just love that people are taking the time to write. And I love every single one of them. And they make me cry. Partly because Dad LOVED getting cards. After his heart surgery last year he had me count them and arrange and rearrange them on the mantel. The more elaborate ones earned a place on the hearth. He did the same with Christmas cards, even crafting a long piece of wood with a slot to display even more. 

I'm opening a few each day, but as you can see, Tilly Cat is getting nervous about how high the stack is getting. I'm going slow, because I truly am savoring each one. 

There was a squishy envelope in my mail basket that I opened as I was walking in the door. I can't even describe how blown away I am! A woman that I've always admired - Claire - works for School on Wheels, is a wonderful writer, storyteller, supporter of Second Helpings and artist - made this for me. 

She made it. 

For me. 

I love that she chose this photograph to transfer and emborder.  In the last decade I'd gotten in the habit of spending Veteran's Day with Dad. We enjoyed the parade in Indianapolis and felt so bad for the sparse attendance that we'd stand near the start and when all of the entries had passed by, we would run across the park to cheer for the same floats and people marching again. Of course we would eat anywhere that was giving veterans a free meal. 

The picture is from 2018 after 8:00 A.M. Mass at Saint Joseph Catholic Church in Lebanon. I slept 2.5 hours after my Saturday night Red Key shift and raced to church to surprise Dad. I loved how happy it made him that I'd kept our Veteran's Day tradition going. 

Bonus: Dad is wearing Paul's WWI hat. Dad's parents - Nora and Paul married just a few weeks after Paul returned from the war (sorry for the story spoiler!). 

I'm so grateful for all of the time and effort people have made to comfort us with cards and calls and hugs and eggs and soup and food and plants and flowers and texts.  This tribute was so out-of-the-blue I was gobsmacked - in a great way. It will have a very special place in my home - it already does in my heart. 

Two Noras: July 18, 1914 and July 18, 2021

Nora Bauer: Saturday, July 18, 1914

Gertrude and I went up town this evening. 

Nora Spitznogle: Sunday, July 18, 2021

No work today, lazy day, dinner at Brenda's. 

Another Saturday night uptown with her younger sister. I wonder if they shopped? 

I'm glad that Grandma Nora didn't much to stay about her day in 1914, because I don't have much to say about today. I really wanted to get my grass mowed and the house cleaned. I did a little cleaning, but didn't touch the mower. I did have a nice dinner at Brenda and Gary's with her brothers and some neighbors. 

Two Noras: July 17, 1914 and July 17, 2021

Nora Bauer: Friday, July 17, 1914

Mr. Barnes was out of town today. Was doing fancy work at the office. Darned my silk stockings this evening. 

Nora Spitznogle: Saturday, July 17, 2021

Worked at Marigold today. Took the night off to see Otis Gibbs with friends at HiFi - took the Red Line. 

It cracks me up that Grandma Nora did her fancy work at the office - it's better than sitting around doing nothing. It sounds like her Friday evening was as exciting as mine was last night. 

I always enjoy working at Marigold Clothing. My co-workers and the customers are great and it's fun to see what is in the store. 

Matthew Aaron opened 
Otis Gibbs

I've been trying to go to the Otis Gibbs ,(<--- be sure and click on his website - good stuff) show for over a year now. First it was delayed because of the pandemic then because of inclement weather (he was playing outdoors). The show was scheduled for last night, but then moved to tonight - I was beyond bummed and asked someone to cover my shift at the last minute and she did!  

It was such a great evening! Kassie went with me, caught up with more friends at the Red Key and took the Red Line (public transportation) to Fountain Square. 

I saw so many people that I hadn't seen since the pandemic started - so much laughter and hugs and kind words about Dad. 

What a fantastic evening....

There is a giant painting of Otis in the hallway of HiFi. 

Two Noras: July 16, 1914 and July 16, 2021

Nora Bauer: Thursday, July 16, 1914

Gertrude and I went to singing class Sister told us they that a telegram saying that Sr. Hyacinth died last night. 

Nora Bauer: Friday, July 16, 2021

Early manager at Second Helpings, tagged along for TV spot, nap after work, Saint Joan of Arc Centennial cocktail party later. 

I had a little panic about this update - I thought that her cousin, Beatrice Bauer - Sister Hyacinth had died. Poor Aunt Kate! 

Our Sister Hyacinth lived to be 86 years old. Phew! 

I got home from the Farm around 1:30 and had to leave for work at 6:00. I enjoy being the first one in the building - turning on lights, making coffee, putting the mops in the dryer - all tasks that I that have a clear goal and sense of accomplishment - so much of what it do doesn't have that. 

I hung out with our Executive Chef, Kathy Jones, on Indy Style this morning. She did an excellent job! You can watch it by clicking here. Bonus: find out who has the best job at Second Helpings - Kathy or Nora. The co-anchor, Nina, remembered me from the pasta costume interview last month. 

I really need to get thank you cards written for all of the amazing things that people did when Dad died. I managed to write three today. 

I took a nice nap when I got home from work then forced myself to go to a cocktail party on the church parking lot that I'd signed up for. Luckily there was a tent - it was pouring! 

I'm glad that I went - it was nice to see folks and lots of condolences on Dad's death.  

Two Noras: July 15, 1914 and July 15, 2021

Nora Bauer: Wednesday, July 15, 1914

Wrote a couple of letters this afternoon. John was over this evening. I showed him my fancy work. 

Nora Spitznogle: Thursday, July 15, 2021

Worked until 3:30. College friend stopped by Farm, pizza, packing, and looking at photos with sisters and Mom. 

Grandma Nora kept a log of letters received and written. I'm doing the same thing for thank you notes for Dad's funeral. I'm only at three....just another thing that I'm behind on. 
I wonder if the John she mentioned was her cousin John Hayward Bauer? 

My college friend, Mike Behnke, was passing through town - I don't think I'd seen him in 20 years. It was great to catch up. 
Mom and I went to town (Lebanon) to get pizza at Arni's. I love freaking the kids behind the counter by telling them that I worked for Arni himself at the original location. In 1984.  

It was wonderful to sit around the dining room table with my sisters and Mom. 

We looked at a lot of old photos and lamented the fact that none of then were labeled with names or dates. Here is my favorite of the night. I'm guessing it was taken circa 1909. 
Back row: Mamie Bauer (or Anna?) 1890-1984, William Bauer 1888-1971, Anna Bauer (or Mamie?) 1891-1956. 
Front row: Felix B. Bauer 1862-1945, Gertrude Bauer 1898-1992, Nora Bauer 1894-1951, Herman Bauer 1898-1986, Barbara Rosfeld Bauer 1863-1934

Aren't the clothes just amazing? 
Mom, Beth, Ann, and I took a decidedly less formal photo. 

Annie leaves at 6:00 tomorrow morning - I miss her already.