Two Noras: August 31, 1914 and August 31, 2021

Nora Bauer: Monday, August 31, 1914

Was rather cloudy today. Gertrude saw Paul where she was going after ? and he hallowed [hollered?] at her but she did not speak to him. 

Nora Spitznogle: Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Long work day. My day was so boring it's hard to fill up the space with the 25 words that Grandma used to describe her day. 

I find this entry delightful and what you would expect from a 19 year old girl, even if it doesn't make much sense. I bet little sister, Gertrude, was delighted to see her sister's beau and report the encounter to Nora. 

My day was filled with work. Nothing too entertaining. 

Two Noras: August 30, 1914 and August 30, 2021

Nora Bauer: Sunday, August 30, 1914

Was out to McCoulfs for dinner today. Had an awful good time. Had a little auto ride. Gee we made some noise. Took quite a few pictures. Went down to Willys and went to the drug store to get some ice cream. 

Nora Spitznogle: Monday, August 30, 2021

Worked at Second Helpings today. Lots of meetings and such. Worked on healthy meal prep this evening. Cooked brown rice and chopped veggies to make a stir fry for lunches this week - and dropped the whole pan on the kitchen rug. Uggh.  

So this is interesting...Grandpa Paul's cousin Fred Spitznogle would marry Amy McCaulf in 1921. I'd always heard Dad talk about Fred and Amy. How I wish I could ask him questions!
Paul and Fred were just five years apart in age. Tragically Amy and Fred were killed on the way home from church in September 1957. There are gruesome details in the article below, you many want to skip if you're feeling squeamish. 
The article does give some nice details about their families. In other research, I learned that Fred's mother, Honora Minneman, was called Nora. That's three Nora Spitznogle's that I know of. 

I've run across a few old photos with Nora and an automobile - I wonder if they are from this day? I hope they're still at the Farm. 
All and all, what a fun day for Nora! 

My day was exactly as described above. Work followed by picking rice out of my kitchen rug. 

Two Noras: August 29, 1914 and August 29, 2021

Nora Bauer: Saturday, August 29, 1914

Worked hard all day. Gertrude, Anna and I went up town. Saw Louis & Chris. Uncle Mike and Leo went home this morning. 

Nora Spitznogle: Sunday, August 29, 2021

10:30 Mass then met Kim in Broad Ripple for the annual duck race - so hot! Late lunch at Just Pop In. Lazy day. 

I'm guessing that Grandma Nora was working in the Barnes Construction office. I'm gathering that the work weeks were a little more fluid in that era - sort of like mine, weekend work is just part of the gig. 

I wonder if Louis is this Louis

You may remember that Uncle Mike and Leo arrived last Saturday. I wonder if they've stayed with Grandma Nora's family all this time? 

Steamy hot day here - I'm usually impervious to the heat, but I dressed wrong - a thick tank top under heavy linen. The duck race was fun - followed by a nice air-conditioned late lunch at Just Pop In with Kim

Two Noras: August 28, 1914 and August 28, 2021

Nora Bauer: Friday, August 28, 1914

Did not get up in time to go to church this morning. There was a requiem for the pope today. 

Nora Spitznogle: Saturday, August 28, 2021

Worked at both Marigold and the Red Key Tavern today. The big excitement of my day was the nap between. 

Saint Pius X died August 20, I can't imagine the turmoil it caused with Europe on the verge of the Great War already rumbling. 

I don't have much else to say about my day. Work followed by work! 

Two Noras: August 27, 1914 and August 27, 2021

Nora Bauer: Thursday, August 27, 1914

Gertrude and I went to singing class tonight. Nora Sauer? was there to. She came home with us. Was to Mass this morning. 

Nora Spitznogle: Friday, August 27, 2021

Worked at Second Helpings, the usual busy day. Home this evening attempting to wrangle the house in to some sort of order. 

I can't quite make out the last name of the other looks like Sauers - and I find that name pretty often in the papers, but I can't connect it to Nora or Eleanor. I posted the photograph of the page extra big in case one of you all can make it out. 

Long work day for me. I'm also experiencing the post-fair letdown and how messy the house gets during the Fair. Uggh. 

Two Noras: August 26, 1914 and August 26, 2021

Nora Bauer: Wednesday, August 26, 1914

Felt the effects of the reunion today. Typed about all day. 

Nora Spitznogle: Thursday, August 26, 2021

Felt the effects of the game today. Typed about all evening. 

I wonder what effects Grandma Nora was feeling? Mine had to do with that second whiskey at the Red Key after a big old kinda warm beer at the ball park. 

I finally finished my Indiana State Fair wrap-up. You can read it by clicking here

Two Noras: August 25, 1914 and August 25, 2021

Nora Bauer: Tuesday, August 25, 1914

Worked this morning till 11:30. Then Paul came down to the office and we went to the reunion. Had a good time dancing quadrilles. When to the Colonial in the evening. 

Nora Spitznogle: Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Worked this morning 'til 11:30. Then spent the afternoon at the Indianapolis Indians baseball game. A lovely afternoon of beautiful weather, baseball, and cousins. I won the pot. Red Key after. 

Apparently it was the season for family reunions. The papers noted dozens on this day in 1914 in Logansport. I'm guessing they went the Minneman family reunion - Paul's side of the family. The quadrille dance morphed in to square dancing over the years- which the Spitznogle family loved! 
I'm happy to know that I'm from one of the finest families in Cass County! 

I'm not sure if it was Paul's brother or uncle that elected vice-president. The treasurer, Jacob Minneman, is the father of yesterday's bride, Mabel. 

I wonder which show Nora and Paul saw? 
I had a fun day also. Brother J.R. entertained work clients and friends at the Indianapolis Indians baseball game this afternoon. Global Plastics rents the whole deck and stocks it with food and beer and such. It was great to be out in the fresh air!
It's always fun to see Uncle Joe Shepler - he married Grandma Nora's daughter, Joan (1930 - 1995 -pronounced JoAnn). Their son, David (far right) and I are just a few days apart in age. J.R. is between Uncle Joe and David and I'm....well...the one who's not a man. 
We were all unnaturally fascinated by the grasshopper. I guess he did need to hop pretty far to get up there. 
I won one of the pots - no skill needed, it's all based on the batter who is up when it's your turn with the money cup. I gave my winnings to the server who was taking care of us. 

The game was fun, but a little sad. Dad was such a fixture at this event and I know that J.R. enjoyed sharing the games with him. 

As is tradition, we all wound up at the Red Key for cheeseburgers and laughter. 

Two Noras: August 24, 1914 and August 24, 201

Nora Bauer: Monday, August 24, 1914
Today was the great wedding of Mabel & Will. They certainly looked pretty all of them and they did not seem to be a bit embarrassed. It just poured down rain when they came. Mamie was to the wedding, she got lots of pretty things. They went away at 1 [?] o'clock. 

Nora Spitznogle: Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Another busy work day. Met with a friend who is a financial advisor for coffee. Drove Dan Wakefield to an Indiana Humanities event - Bookmark Indy: A Celebration of Mari Evans on Indiana Avenue. Aleta Hodge read from her book chronicling Mari Evans' life and jazz musicians performed classic Indiana Avenue music.  

Oh, Grandma Nora - so many questions! You may remember the shower that her sister Mamie had for Mabel a few weeks ago. 

What in the heck did they have to be embarrassed about? Weekday morning weddings were typical for that era. Was there an early baby? Was one of them engaged to someone else? I widened my search for their names and came up with something tragic....

He died in 1918 of what was then called the Spanish Influenza. The article at the top gives more detail, but I'm pretty sure that his body was brought to his wife's family home, not the Bowmans (and I'm guessing that should be Bauman anyway). 

It seems that they waited two years to have children - still not sure what the embarrassing part of the wedding was. 

It looks like Mabel moved back to Chicago at some point, but her name was mentioned the Logansport papers society pages often enough, listing her as living at her parents house on Cliff Drive. 

Mabel lived another 58 years after her husband died and apparently never remarried. She was living in North Carolina, near her son at the time of her death.  

I had a nice evening with Dan, learning about Indiana Ave and Mari Evans. This article tells a bit more about the book - click here. 

I'm still behind on finishing my State Fair wrap up - I'm perpetually behind....

Two Noras: August 23, 1914 and August 23, 2021

Nora Bauer: Sunday, August 23, 1914

Went to 7:30 o'clock Mass and got dinner. Anna, Gertrude, Leo, Herman and John when out for a walk. Mamie and I went up to the park. It Rained all evening.  

Nora Spitznogle: Monday, August 23, 2021

Another work day for me. Picked up my entries from the Fairgrounds, worked on writing my wrap-up of my 20 visits to the Fair for NUVO and straightening the house. 

Anna, Gertrude, Herman, and Mamie are Grandma Nora's siblings - the only one not mentioned is her older brother, William. We know that Leo is a visiting cousin from the from her mother's side of the family and I'm assuming that John is her cousin John Hayward Bauer from her father's side of the family. I wonder why Nora and Mamie didn't go with them? Or was there something more exciting at the park? 

I picked up my projects at the Fair and had fun with The Lamp. 

I had fun posing The Lamp as the I in FAIR. 
It's hard to believe that the Midway was in this parking lot just 18 hours before. 

If procrastinating was an Olympic Event, I'd be a gold medalist. I had fun posing my 2019 blue ribbon lamp with this years in a effort to avoid writing. 

Two Noras: August 22, 1914 and August 22, 2021

Nora Bauer: Saturday, August 22, 1914
Worked pretty hard today getting out some blueprints. Uncle Mike & Leo came this afternoon. 

Nora Spitznogle: Sunday, August 22, 2021
Last day of the Indiana State Fair, so I went twice. Bittersweet - I'll miss it. 

I wonder what the blueprints were for? As you may remember, Grandma Nora was working for Barnes Construction. Her Uncle Mike is her mama's brother Michael Rosfeld (or Rossfeld or Rosveld, as I've found it spelled), 53. Leo is her 14 year old cousin and they were visiting from Oldenburg, in the southern part of Indiana. I found this delightful piece in the Oldenburg paper when looking for Leo's birth announcement. 
From what I can gather, Mike was very involved in politics and served on the City Council for more than 15 years. 

I'm not sure that I ever mentioned it, but I write about my daily State Fair visits for NUVO newsweekly, so I've also had a writing deadline after each Fair visit. I'll miss the Fair and the people, but not the deadline. 

I made two visits to today. The first with Schaun, who helped me pick up my ironing cabinet - I wonder how long that will stay on my front porch? 

Nora Spitznogle and Dick Reel 
We spent time in Pioneer Village, listening to music, watching a hawk demonstration, the parade, and saying goodbye to my Fair friends. 
One more photo of the 1914 International Harvester Truck.
I'd been avoiding visiting the 4-H buildings, Dad and I used to spend hours looking at every single project, paying special attention to the Boone and Cass County projects and being delighted when we recognized a last name. I was so disappointed to learn that the building was closing early - I had 20 minutes to race around and try to see everything. I wound up crying out of frustration instead of sadness. I guess I was bound to cry either way....

Schaun dropped me and the ironing cabinet off at my house and I went back to the Fair to take one more lap around the grounds and ride the Tractor Tram for one last time this year. 

For years, my friend Jamie and I have had a last blast tradition of spending the last evening of the Fair together. We used to chase her daughter around the Midway, now S. is too cool for the Midway, but kind enough to indulge us. 

Two Noras: August 21, 1914 and August 21, 2021

Nora Bauer: Friday, August 21, 1914

Clara went home this afternoon. Aunt Minnie and Uncle John went back with her. Anna went out riding with Carl this evening. 

Nora Spitznogle: Saturday, August 21, 2021

Indiana State Fair - today was the Pioneer Village Farm Auction. Bought
1920's Purdue suitcase and wildly impractical ironing contraption. Worked at Key. 

I'm not sure where Grandma Nora's Aunt Minnie (Philomena) and her husband John were living at the time. Aunt Minnie lived several places, including southern Indiana where we was born, Logansport, Denver, and Iowa. She and her husband are buried in the Bauer cemetery, in  Marion County, Iowa. Another place to visit! 

It's fun that Nora noted that her sister, Anna, when out with Carl this evening. Anna and Carl Gingrich would marry 6.5 years later, on May 19, 1921. I would be born 40 years after that on May 19, 1961. 

I had another fun day - I love the Farm Auction in the Pioneer Village. All of the money goes to Purdue Ag Alumni to help fund Pioneer Village. 
I purchased a beautiful suitcase owned by Helen Edmonson from Clayton, Indiana (Hendrick's County) - she attended Purdue in the mid-1920s. Another person to research! 
I also purchased this crazy ironing cabinet. I opened the bidding assuming I'd get outbid....ha! 

I made it all the way around the Fairgrounds. I had an unsettling conversation on the Tractor Tram. I woman was chiding me for wearing a mask (we're all sitting shoulder-to-shoulder) and told me that God is disappointed with me. I started with a flip reply, that wearing a mask can't hurt...and it went downhill from here. She told me that God will cure everyone on his own time. I replied that I think that God has given us the tools and we need to use them. She then told me that I wasn't a good person. I hopped off the Tram at the next stop and had a good cry in the cow barn bathroom. Uggh. 

I worked at the Red Key tonight. Nice and busy! 

Two Noras: August 20, 1914 and August 20, 2021

Nora Bauer: Thursday, August 20, 1914

Gertrude, Clara and I went to singing class tonight. When we got home Aunt Clara and John were here. Aunt Clara told everyone's fortune but mine. 

Nora Spitznogle: Friday, August 20, 2021

What a fun day! Second Helpings followed by Sausagefest - Catholic festivals are the best! - and Beach Boys at the State Fair with Kassie. Both events were crowded. 

Grandma Nora must have been hurt that her Aunt Clara didn't tell her fortune also. I would if Aunt Clara would have guess that her niece would have ten children and gobs of grandchildren, and down the line? 

Gertrude is her younger sister and I think that is Clara is Clara Brill. Her Aunt Clara is her dad's youngest sister. Aunt Clara's son was named Paul, so I think that the John she's referring to is her Uncle John. 

I had a fun and busy day. Interviewed potential students for our Culinary Job Training, along with the usual work day stuff. 

One of my favorite neighborhood festivals is St. Thomas Aquinas SausageFest. Like the heyday of Catholic Churches in Grandma Nora's time, I live within walking distance to three. SausageFest is always a blast - sausage, beer, music, and neighbors - how can you beat that? And unlike my parish festival, I can just enjoy - I'm not in charge of anything. 

While the church is in walking distance it is almost two miles away, so we Ubered to the festival. 
I was thrilled to find Cousin Sarah in one of the sausage booths - it was a sausage made  by Kincaid's especially for the event and quite delicious. 

Here I am in my skirt made from previous years SausageFest tee shirts and Kassie is clearly loving the event. I didn't have a beer, but grabbed the new tee shirt and mug and donated some money before we left. Even though we're outdoors, it's weird to be around so many people. 

We Ubered back to my house and drove to the Fairgrounds to see the Beach Boys...or what's left of them. John Stamos was sitting in - he sure has aged gracefully. 

The crowd for the concert was huge! We tucked in bar area so we weren't standing too close to anyone. We got stuck in a jam leaving the infield, but had time to solve all of the world's problems.  

Such a lovely day! 

Two Noras: August 19, 1914 and August 19, 2021

Nora Bauer: Wednesday, August 19, 1914

Intended to go over to Cora's tonight but we had a very bad storm and lots of rain so we had to stay home. 

Nora Spitznogle: Thursday, August 19, 2021

Busy work day; meetings and interviewing potential culinary job training students. Headed straight to the Indiana State Fair, visited The Lamp and walked around. 

I wonder if the Cora that Grandma Nora is talking about is this Cora? I spent some time rearching to see if it could have been my maternal Great-great-grandma Cora McManus Gremelspacher, but she was fourteen years older than Nora, so not likely, but that sure would have been fun! 

Busy day at work, followed by a solo trip to the Fair. My intention was to photograph the rodeo, but it was raining when I entered the Fairgrounds - in fact the gates were "closed," although there is no way to actually close the entrances without locking people in, so I walked right in. 

The rodeo was on hold until the threat of lightning passed. I visited the Home and Family Arts Building and The Lamp and took advantage of some $3 Thursday treats.  

The Amish pretzels are soooo good and worth waiting in the line. 

I stopped in the Glass Barn, where you can exchange your filled out quiz card about soybeans for a hat. Dad always made sure to stop and get a hat for his fellow volunteer, Lew. 

I wanted it keep the tradition alive, although I was feeling a little sad about it also. I was perfect to see our Boone County neighbor, Don Lamb, and his daughter volunteering at the desk. We had a nice chat about Dad - it was just what I needed. 

The all-clear announcement came over the loudspeakers and as I headed towards the infield for the rodeo I got the worst calf cramp. It was so bad that I cried - how crazy is that? It may have been from wearing my rain boots so much - I've never had that happen before. 

The tractor shuttle wasn't running because of the $3 Thursday crowd so I limped and cried by way to the car. There is always next year for the rodeo....

Two Noras: August 18, 1914 and August 18, 2021

Nora Bauer: Tuesday, August 18, 1914
Gertrude had a party this evening. I guess all of the girls had a good time. Bertha and Loretta won the prize. 

Nora Spitznogle: Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Busy work day. Headed to State Fair after for the Happy Together Tour concert and a nice walk around the Fairgrounds. 

I wonder if the party was at the house? I can't find any newspaper mention of the soiree. I assume that the prize winners were Bertha and Loretta Bauer, daughters of Uncle Frank...and cousins to Grandma Nora and her sister, Gertrude.

I had one goal for this evening's visit to the Indiana State Fair - the Happy Together Tour. The tour has been making a stop at the Indiana State Fair for several years. The first year I went to see Susan Cowsill - and I realized that the concert is good cheesy sing-along fun. They sing the songs that I didn't even know that I knew the words to. 

Typically my media credentials allows me access to the "photo pit," a strip in front of the stage, separated from the crowd by a barrier. When I shoot big shows, the protocol is that the photographers get to shoot the first three songs and then get hustled out. 

For this show, since the bands only play three or four songs, I usually photograph the first song and plop down on the ground until the next band and repeat...

This year those was no photo pit for this show, which I totally understand due to the pandemic - the photographers all darted in front of the crowd for the first song, which I don't love, people have been staking their seats for hours. 

I was giddy when Susan gave me a little shout-out from the stage when she saw me. I didn't get to say hello after the show, again no meet-and-greet due to the pandemic.