Two Noras: August 10, 1914 and August 10, 2021

Nora Bauer: Monday, August 10, 1914

Had a good rain today. Nora, Mary, Chris, Charles and Paul came to spend the evening. Ursie Crow & her mother were over too. 

Nora Spitznogle: Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Chris and Cathy Clark are visiting from Boulder and another college friend, Karl Ahlrichs, joined us for coffee. I worked this afternoon and evening. \\\\\\'/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }

This was another entry that I spent a good deal of time researching. At one point I thought that maybe Chris was a Minnaman, but that Chris has a wife. I tried entering all five names into a newspaper search, but those first names popped up everywhere, but not in the same piece. 

Same dead end for Ursie Crow....Searching for Mrs. Crow brings the same mind-boggling unhelpful suggestions. 

I had a fun morning - coffee with three of my Purdue-era friends. I actually met Cathy first, at my freshman year of high school at Ladywood-St. Agnes in Indianapolis. Mom graduated from St. Agnes and Grandman Leona from St. John's - another Sisters of Providence managed high school in Indianapolis. LSA closed after my freshman year and back to Lebanon schools I went. 
Chris and Cathy were college sweethearts and have lived in Boulder, CO for ages. I've been lucky enough to see them there a few times and they're kind enough to reach out when they're in the area. It's fun to live in the same town as Karl - he does a great job of keeping in touch. They all knew Dad - it was nice to reminisce with them. 

Karl, Chris, Cathy, Nora in front of Nora's house

I zipped over for a haircut from there and headed to work. It's my evening to be the late manager. 

I also managed to open a few more sympathy cards....thank you, everyone! 

*the extra symbols are courtesy of my cat, Tilly. I really shouldn't bring my MacBook to bed with me. 

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