Two Noras: August 13, 1914 and August 13, 2021

Nora Bauer: Thursday, August 13, 1914

Had another nice rain this afternoon. Went to singing class this evening. Uncle John and Aunt Minnie were over too. 

Nora Spitznogle: Friday, August 13, 2021

Worked today, met friends at Indiana State Fair this evening, followed by beautiful chamber music at the Propylaeum with Kassie. 

I've been thinking about this all day and I'm almost positive that Grandma Nora's Aunt Minnie's real name is Philomena. That said, I have two different birth years in my tree. I'll add it to the long list of things I want to research. 

I've also been thinking about how Nora has only mentioned her mom once in 7.5 months and hasn't mentioned her dad at all. I assume that Felix works a lot at the tavern, but I still think it's odd. Since so many of her Dad's family visit, I'm guessing they all get along. Anyway, those are my deep thoughts for the day. 

I had another fun-filled day. I went straight from work the Fairgrounds. I met up with a woman that I met at the last Fair (2019). Lisa was the judge for my cake that won a giant Best of Show ribbon. She found me on social media - with the name Nora Spitznogle, it's pretty hard to hide - and stopped me on opening day of the 2019 to introduce her self. 

Since she's not a judge this year, Lisa entered several things in the culinary open show and did quite well. I did do better than her in one category...ugly lamps! Her's got an honorable mention.

I walked out of the Agriculture-Horticulture building just in time for the parade and literally bumped in to Tammy - what a happy surprise!  We watched the parade and decided that we now officially had a State Fair Happy Hour tradition. 

Sun King brewed a special beer for the State Fair. The State Fair Funnel Cake beer was brewed with actual funnel cakes. I liked it, although I think I would enjoy it more as a winter beer - it didn't have that drinking in the hot sun vibe. 

Tammy and I solved all of the world's problems - again. 

I went home long enough to toss my fold-up chair in the car and headed back downtown to the Propylaeum to meet Kassie.  This edition of the summer porch series featured newly composted classic music pieces. It was a beautiful end to the evening. 

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