Two Noras: June 23, 1914 and June 23, 2021

Nora Bauer: Tuesday, June 23, 1914

Had another slower day but did not last long. Anna went to the club tonight. Uncle John and Little John came over. 

Nora Spitznogle: Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Beth called around 5:30 A.M. to tell me that Dad had fallen and she was calling an ambulance. Today's Molly's birthday. 

It sounds like work got busy for Grandma Nora. I know that Nora and Mamie were in the same club, I need to research what club Anna was in. 

Uncle John was her dad's brother, John Jacob Bauer (1857-1938). Little John, John Hayward Bauer (1896-1983) would have been 18 at the time. I know that I've mentioned it before, but I was sad that I never met John Hayward. 

Today is my niece Molly's 21st birthday. She working at Culver Academy this summer, so we don't get to celebrate with her...yet!  

My sister Beth was a hero today, she called the emergency folks and got Dad to Witham Hospital in Lebanon. Beth and Jenny (family friend and Dad helper/companion) where there when I arrived. 

The ER staff reported that he was having trouble breathing, so they were pushing oxygen through a BiPap mask and the initial thought was that he had pneumonia. His pulse-oxygen was in the 80s (99-100 is ideal) when he arrived. 

I was able to join him in the ER after an hour or so. He was alert and talking as well as he could through the mask - he looked like a spaceman. The lung x-ray showed fluid in his lungs so they gave him IV Lasix to try to get rid of the fluid. 

We had lots of waiting time, so I read to him from Grandma Nora's journal, starting with today's entry. I'm convinced that he was named after his Uncle John, but he reminded me that his sister Bernadine got to name him - she was seven years old - and named him for John the Baptist. I'm kicking myself that I didn't ask him about "Little John." 

Dad enjoyed his mom's accounting of her cash and that she purchased ice cream at least once a week. Dad's always got Klondike Bars in his freezer - his nightly snack. 

The Hospitalist - physician who is dedicated to treating hospital patients - was very thorough. Since Dad's doctors were in the Witham system he'd read through his charts and had spoken to two of doctors. He asked Dad about his medical history and daily habits. He asked three different ways if Dad had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. I proudly told the doc that I'd managed to snag a first-day it was available appointment for Dad on January 12.  

The team was able to get his oxygen levels up to the mid to high 90s, and we were just waiting for a room to open upstairs. 

He was smiling and happy to be "moving on up." 

J.R. arrived with the new electric razor that Dad asked for and we met him in his room and were able to stay until the visiting hours ended about 20 minutes later. 

He was settled in and chatting with the nurse. 

I headed back home and took a 20 minute power nap before Anne-Marie's birthday party. Anne-Marie is celebrating her 40th birthday with a small dinner party at The Jazz Kitchen.  I met Marty and Anne-Marie eons ago when I worked a CATH coffeehouse around the corner from their house. I'm lucky to be included in their circle friends. The party was lovely and just what I needed after the long day. 

...and then everything changed. Dad has COVID-19. He's not allowed any visitors. 

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