Two Noras: May 31, 1914 and May 31, 2021

Nora Bauer: Sunday, May 31, 1914
Was to Mary Spitznogle's for supper today. Had a good time. The best supper I believe I ever had. Got some about 10 o'clock. 

Nora Spitznogle: Monday, May 31, 2021
Lazy day - I managed to clean the kitchen and nothing else. I'm so mad at the damn critters that are eating my corn shoots. 
This Mary Spitznogle is new to's my mom and my niece's name and I had an Aunt Mary Alice, but no Mary Spitznogles in Grandma Nora's era in my family tree. I was thrilled to figure out that Mary Caroline Spitznogle was the daughter of Conrad Spitznogle and Honora Minnemann. Mary married Louis Baumann the next year. I've been trying to connect the Minnemann's and Baumann's to Nora on the Bauer side, and it turns out they're related on the Spitznogle side. Nora wasn't related, but would marry into the families. 

I wonder if Paul was with her for supper - and what did Mary serve that was so yummy? 

Today is Memorial Day and all three of my jobs were closed - woo hoo! I puttered around the house and worked in the yard. The big excitement was when the neighbor dog chased my cat under the bed. It was like a cartoon chase! I've never seen Tilly move so fast! I got Leo the dog out of the house and tried to catch him as he ran down the street. All in my nightgown, I might add. Leo got corralled and Tilly finally came out of the basement six hours later. 

I'm so bummed, the dang critters are eating my garden. I've put a little fence around the corn, but I think the holes are too big. I wish the dog would chase them! 

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