Two Noras: 1915 and 2023

My  paternal grandmother, Nora, was a great recorder of daily events. I have her daily notes from 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1918, 1919, 192...

Two Noras: April 25, 1914 and April 25, 2021

 Nora Bauer: Saturday, April 25, 1914

Was rather cloudy all day today but was very nice out the evening. Went to church this evening and walked up [town?] tonight. 

Nora Spitznogle: Sunday, April 25, 2021

EME at Mass this morning, played on-line Euchre with Ann and Tim, dinner party this evening. The chef box meals were delicious! 

Since it was Saturday evening, I assumed that Grandma Nora walked uptown that evening. Dad remembers that going uptown on a Saturday night was a big thing even when he was a child. 

Once again, I failed to take any photos of my clean house, well-appointed table, and dinner guests, do you'll have to settle for a selfie with two of the chefs. As part of Friday's Corks and Forks event, we wanted to support the chefs that have supported Second Helpings. You could purchase dinners for two and the money would go to the participating restaurant. I bought two - one from the Alexander Hotel, prepared by Chefs Eli and Jeremy (pictured) and one from Chef Erin at Scarlet Lane Gastrobpub. Both meals were excellent and I was happy to share them with Kim, Schaun, and Adrian. 

I was proud of myself for getting all of the food heated to the proper temperature - sans microwave - and getting it on the table on time. 

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