Two Noras: 1919 and 1925 - Who's Who

I've been scribbling notes to myself on the back of envelopes to help keep things straight - if I need cheat sheets, I can't expect anyone else to keep it all in their brains. 

I'll keep adding to this as stuff pops up. 

At the beginning of 1919: 

Eleanor - Nora - Bauer was 24 years old. 

    - she was living at home with her parents and sisters, 525 Helm Street, Logansport, Indiana
    - working for Barnes Construction as the bookkeeper. 

Felix Benedict Bauer (1862-1945), owner and proprietor of a tavern
Barbara Rosfeld (1863-1934)

William Francis Bauer (1888-1971), no longer living in the household
Mamie E. Bauer (1890-1984)
Anna M. Bauer (1891-1956)
- Nora - (1894-1951)
Gertrude Bauer (1898-1992) twin
Herman Bauer (1989-1986) twin


Loretta Bertha (1898 - 

Bertha Bauer, (1896 - 1985)

 daughters of Uncle Frank Bauer (1867 -1954).

Nora's beau: Paul Carl Spitznogle (1893 - 1969) was 24 years old and serving in the U.S. Army, stationed in France. 

Elizabeth (Bessie) Kramer Spitznogle (1872 - 1930), Paul's mother. 

Michael Charles Spitznogle (1868 - 1909),  Paul's father. 

Nora 1894-1951
Paul  1894-1969


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